Entries in the 'Mutual Guarantee' Category

Mutual Guarantee: A Guiding Beacon

936Mutual guarantee is the interconnection of everyone in everyone to the point where it is impossible to make even the slightest movement independently of others. Any movement is transmitted to everyone else, depends on everyone, and is implemented by everyone together.

Thus, due to separate, discrete actions, we come to an integral, indissoluble movement of the entire system. This is mutual guarantee.

Mutual guarantee is our cherished goal, a guiding beacon, to which we are constantly moving with the help of actions to unite in the ten and actions to annul ourselves in front of our friends. The goal of all these actions is to eventually lead us to a unity in which everyone does not exist separately. We dissolve into each other to such an extent that we turn into a homogeneous liquid in which not a single drop differs from another, but all merge into one big drop.

Mutual guarantee means that we have reached such a power of connection that I no longer separate myself from others because we are turning into one person again. Moreover, one person after this correction is no longer the Adam who was before the shattering.

That original Adam consisted of different parts: head, body, legs (Rosh – Toch – Sof), male and female parts. And after correction, it is Adam, like (Domeh) the Creator, because there is no division into Rosh – Toch – Sof, no division into any parts, but rather he is as one whole.

When we want to achieve such a connection between friends, we find out that it is impossible to realize a mutual guarantee between us without the Creator. And then we turn to Him and oblige Him to become the guarantor of our mutual guarantee.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/11/22, “Arvut on the Way to Lishma

Related Material:
Mutual Guarantee: The Law of the Existence of Humanity
Mutual Guarantee For The Connection Between Us
Arvut Obliges Bestowal

Thoughts and Desires Bind Together

565.02All the problems and troubles in this world are the result of the revelation of the lack of mutual guarantee (Arvut), which is increasing. Therefore, we need our behavior to be correct, to return to even our ordinary material connection and mutual guarantee.

All diseases are caused by violations of the law of mutual guarantee at the biological, zoological, botanical, or social level.

There are many levels of compliance with the law of mutual guarantee, but the highest is the love of one’s neighbor as oneself. In physical and chemical form, substances bind together, and at higher levels, people’s thoughts and desires bind together. In this perfect system, which is the universe, all the galaxies are connected to each other, that is, everything depends on mutual guarantee.

The pyramid of mutual guarantee includes the inanimate level at its base, then the vegetative, the animate, and above all, the human level. If we, are above all nature, at the top of the pyramid, fulfill the condition of mutual guarantee (Arvut)  in our desires and thoughts, in our mind and heart, this will affect all the levels below us. This will calm the whole of nature and bring it back to its integral form.

Nature will begin to behave according to the law of mutual guarantee between all its parts in all spheres. And then, of course, we will not have any health problems in the family, in human society, or even in the environment.

It is not possible to fix the environment by burning less oil or taking other protective measures, but only by implementing the law of mutual guarantee at the top of the pyramid where we are. By doing this, we will oblige all of nature below us to return to balance, reciprocity, and harmony.

The action of physical forces or the interaction of chemical substances according to their valences, according to the number of electrons around the atom, which bind together and build new substances—all these are the laws of mutual guarantee, which are revealed in different forms. All the laws of nature are manifestations of one global law.

Even the laws of human relations, psychology, and social life are part of a detailed explanation of the same global law of mutual guarantee, which we must fulfill in its entirety in order to reveal our connection with the Creator within this law. By doing this, we add our part to the Creator, and He adds His to us, and we reach the state of “He and His Name are one.”
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/21/20, Writings of Baal HaSulam, “The Arvut (Mutual Guarantee)”

Related Material:
3,000 Year Journey
Mutual Guarantee—Now And Forever
Coronavirus—Nature’s Boomerang

Mutual Guarantee: The Law of the Existence of Humanity

935Mutual guarantee is the global law of the existence of humanity as one soul. If it is realized between people, then all the degrees below us, meaning the animate, vegetative, and still nature, will reconnect into one single system.

If humanity were united at its human degree today, we would see such changes in the entire universe where all nature gathers into one system, where no eruptions occur, and complete harmony reigns throughout the still, vegetative, and animate world.

As the prophets said, the wolf will live peacefully next to the lamb, and the whole creation will exist in single harmony. In this way we will bring the whole universe and the whole world to a single connection, and the Creator will reveal Himself within this harmony as one force that fills and embraces the whole creation. Our mutual guarantee and connection will not only improve our life, but it will also correct the whole creation and will combine it into one perfect system.

And this is bound to happen because these informational genes are recorded in the creation and forces are acting in it that lead it to this goal. We can bring this goal closer with our participation. Everything depends on us!
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/11/22, “Arvut on the Way to Lishma

Related Material:
The Pyramid Of Mutual Guarantee
Mutual Guarantee Is The Key To The New World
“And A Wolf Shall Live With A Lamb”

Just Agree—And It Will Be Revealed!

530It does not matter from which part and exact place we begin to read The Zohar. Even if a person hears a lesson for the first time, it doesn’t matter at all. “There is no time in the Torah“; it talks about spiritual states and all this happens inside us, but we do not feel it yet.

But it doesn’t matter. It is important for us to awaken the light that is in The Book of Zohar, which is the highest, most faithful and powerful source. No book can even compare with The Book of Zohar in its effect on the soul.

To summon its light upon oneself so that it affects us is possible only by becoming like it in qualities. Therefore, we read The Book of Zohar together, meaning, first of all, before we open this Book, everyone should prepare themselves for connection with others.

It is also written about the gift of the Torah that if you agree (it is clear that you are unable to, but only agree!) to become “like one person with one heart” and to achieve brotherly love (in the future), then you will receive the Torah, that is, the method of correction by the light that returns to the source, the Creator. Then this light will affect you and return you to the source, to goodness, to equivalence with the Creator.

Therefore, while reading The Book of Zohar, we must always try to meet this condition: to be ready to unite so that the light affects us, unites us, and in our unity, as in one soul, we will reveal the light, the Creator. After all, an individual soul can only feel our current reality that we perceive now.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/15/10, The Book of Zohar, “VaYechi

Related Material:
Break through the Barriers and Reveal the Upper World
Entering The Zohar
The Book Of Zohar—Revealed In People

The Birth of Joseph

165The flower buds are the patriarchs, who entered in thought and entered the next world, Bina, and were hidden there.

From there, they came out in concealment and were hidden in the true prophets. Joseph was born and they hid in him.

Joseph entered the holy land and erected them there. As it is written: Joseph was born, who is Yesod de Gadlut. (Zohar for All, “The Flower Buds,” Item 5)

Our entire connection with the spiritual world passes through the Partzuf of Nukva of the world of Atzilut. It is to it that broken souls raise MAN, a request for correction.

A person with a point in his heart yearns for the spiritual world, and spirituality is bestowal and unity. Therefore, he strives to unite with others, and he is given such an opportunity in the group.

If a person fulfills the condition of the ascent and creates a Kli, he connects with Malchut de Atzilut. It raises the common request of the friends to Zeir Anpin, and Zeir Anpin gives them the reforming light. Then the souls who want to become one ascend the degrees of unity.

First, to the state of an embryo (Ibur). Here they annul themselves before each other and unite. Everyone bows his head to the environment and becomes an “embryo in the mother’s womb.”

Then they reach the stage of nursing (Yenika), where their connection grows stronger. Now they are already able to work with their will to receive, to rise above it.

Then the souls move to the state of maturity (Gadlut). The level of their connection allows them to connect with Zeir Anpin, and this stage is called Yesod de Gadlut, or Joseph.

From here we can understand the story of Joseph described in the Torah, whom his brothers sold into slavery. These events unfold around the fight for our connection so that we achieve mutual guarantee (Arvut) to the extent sufficient to reveal the Creator between us.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/2/10The Book of Zohar“The Buds”

Related Material:
Invitation to The Bride’s Chamber
A Rose Among The Thorns
Working With The Light

To What Does the Cessation of the Growth of Egoism Oblige Us?

115.06Question: It is believed that all revolutions in the world proceed according to a certain plan. Special services under the guise of terrorists attack somebody. Is there any limit to this technique?

Answer: What difference does it make in what form this is determined in our world? Hot spots are everywhere. So many weapons have  amassed that we do not know what to do. A man can make anything at home.

The point is not in the instruments of murder and not in the reason but in the fact that it is necessary in order to further implement the program of creation in a bad or good way. Which way exactly? It is only about that.

The world is following the path of unification anyway. You cannot get away from it. The problem is only in the extent to which it understands that it must reach this and contribute to this, to this extent the path becomes better. If the world does not understand, then it is punished, like a child, until it understands.

We are in a state where we can already explain this idea to the world, and we are explaining it. I think that we do it more or less successfully and at a good pace. At least we see how it works. The world is beginning to understand that it has nowhere to go; it is beginning to feel that new, completely unusual changes are taking place in people, that their egoism has stopped growing.

For the first time in the entire history of not only mankind but the existence of the universe, which developed from a small egoistic nucleus to the planets of the solar system (and this was constantly accompanied by the development of our ego), egoism has suddenly stopped growing by itself.

It began to become round and to connect, and to demand from people that they become the same as the rest of nature, all parts of which are in harmony with each other. And man is not in this state, not among themselves or with nature.

Therefore, all of the inanimate, vegetative, and animate nature that surrounds us is driving us to do this now. For the first time in the universe, in the entire world, egoism, which has lately been constantly growing exponentially, has reached some gently sloping line and has begun to become round. It is no longer growing, but it obliges us to become integrally interconnected in mutual guarantee.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. USA, Intelligence Agencies, Conspiracy” 3/10/13

Related Material:
The End of the Development of Egoistic Nature
When Egoism Outgrows Boundaries
Egoism Is The Driving Force

The Main Law of the Universe

283.02Until we come to mutual guarantee on the basis of “love thy neighbor as thyself,” we will not receive the Torah. And the Torah is the light that is clothed in the desire created by the Creator. In principle, the global law “love your neighbor as yourself” is the main law of the universe that will fulfill that everyone reveals the whole universe in himself.

Let’s try not to forget about it and gradually associate with it.
From the “Arava” Convention in Europe—Lithuania 2022, Lesson 2, 7/24/22

Related Material:
Love Your Neighbor: The General Law Of The Universe
Love As The Law Of Nature
Love: A Bridge Above Hatred

There Is Still Time to Stop the Explosion

293While the embryo is in the mother’s womb, it is completely dependent on her and receives nutrition from her. But after birth, the umbilical cord connecting him with his mother is cut off, and he is forced to become independent. This is a sign that the child is moving to a new state, to a new degree, and can communicate not only with the mother, but also with forces alien to him.

Our whole world is based on interdependence, and the baby will still have to learn that he depends on someone. First, from his mother, then from his father, other relatives, a teacher at school, etc. , we become more and more aware of how dependent we are on the people around us.

When we become adults, we go into the army, work, meaning, we go out into life and begin to explore the world. And then we find out that there are strangers who can harm us, and we learn how to behave.

The correct upbringing consists of making sure that in any place, wherever I find myself, I feel as comfortable and safe as in my mother’s womb, so that there is always an environment around me that takes care of me, and I try to take care of everyone in the same way. I have to learn how to build a proper, kind connection with the environment.

Nature always teaches us how to be an independent individual, but at the same time actively work to unite the whole society.

During its thousand-year history, man has already developed to a state where it is necessary to begin to unite into one community, so that everyone feels that he belongs to all of humanity, and a good future is impossible without a proper connection with everyone else. Any person in the world is obliged to realize this and thus connect with others.

This is not easy to do in the modern world that seems very hostile and frightening to us, that threatens us with a nuclear world war. We need to understand that the state of the world is critical and can suddenly explode so that not even a memory of us will remain on this planet.

And at the same time, as we reveal the vital need to live in peace, we are seized with mortal fear of what may happen as a result of our antagonism. The situation is very dangerous, but at the same time significant because it clarifies to us where we have come to and that there is no other way out but to ensure global security for everyone around the globe. Otherwise, we will simply wipe ourselves off the face of the earth.

We live in a special time when everyone is obliged to understand this and start talking openly in order to find out what needs to be done to achieve common security and mutual guarantee around the globe.
From KabTV’s “World” 7/12/22

Related Material:
Difficult Times
Bound by Mutual Connection
Critical Point of Human Development

How Not to Drown in a Raging Sea

229Mutual guarantee means that we completely depend on each other, as if we are sitting in a boat in the middle of the sea at risk of drowning in our egoism and finishing our lives in this way. If we want to reach the shore, we must stick together so that everyone helps the other.

No one will come to our aid from the outside until we help each other ourselves. Therefore, we must feel that we are in the same boat under the threat of dying. Only if we help each other get out of the ocean of common egoism surrounding us from all sides, can we be saved.

Imagine yourself in a boat in the middle of a raging egoistic sea. If we support each other, then the sea, with its inner force (the force of the Creator), will take our boat ashore.

The people of Israel were assembled from representatives of all seventy nations of the world to serve as an example of mutual guarantee for everyone else. This group has become a small kernel of connection within the entire vast humanity. The whole history of humanity forces the people of Israel to disperse around the globe in order to convey this message to humanity through philosophy, science, and most importantly, religion.

We are yet to reveal that only this force operates in the world and controls it from the center of reality. Now we are approaching the final stage of this development; it depends only on us whether we will reach it the easy way or through great suffering, problems, and wars.

The entirety of humanity has reached a state when it is ready to listen to the issue of mutual guarantee. Every day we feel more and more how connected we are with each other, so much so that it is impossible to separate us. All nations, countries, and governments are trying to somehow single out and isolate themselves, but nothing will work. We only plunge ourselves into suffering, through which we will understand more clearly that we are tightly connected and can achieve success only through mutual guarantee.

Otherwise, the world will not calm down. It will experience wars and difficult scrutiny. Someday, however, after many years of suffering and problems, we will realize that everyone depends on everyone, and there is no other force capable of governing us except the force of mutual guarantee.

All of humanity is in one small boat in the middle of a big raging sea. If we do not recognize our mutual responsibility, we will plunge ourselves into great troubles. Of course, in the end, we will decide that we are obliged to be in mutual guarantee.

Today, no country in the world can exist without connection with other countries. And it would be desirable for these connections to be positive. After all, bad connection causes troubles to others, and boomerangs back to you. Only through some human, normal agreements is it possible to come to peace.

Thus, we will learn that only mutual care and mutual guarantee can lead us to a good life. Then we will discover that there is another goal—to acknowledge the global force that operates in the world. It is impossible to govern the world without knowing this basic law of loving one’s neighbor as oneself.

This is no longer a simple caring for each other, but complete rejection of the egoistic approach. Instead of foreign ministers helping each country take care of itself, there will be other ministers taking care of the connection between everyone and its mutuality. After all, we will not be able to exist otherwise.

This will lead us to the need to study the laws of mutual guarantee, that is, the laws of the true reality. We live at a time when for the first time the world feels its integral dependence, interconnectedness, and therefore, responsibility to each other. No one has the right to do what he wants, regardless of others. After all, we see what this leads to. Everyone has to take the entire world into account.

This is how we come closer to the truth, which is not found in any country, in any government, or in any person. The truth is above us, and it lies in the good connection from each person to all people.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/26/22, Baal HaSulam, “The Arvut,” (Mutual Guarantee)

Related Material:
Precious Flower
Mutual Guarantee For The Connection Between Us
Mutual Guarantee—The Property Of Mutual Concern

“A Weekend Of Worldwide Unity” (Linkedin)

My new article on Linkedin “A Weekend of Worldwide Unity

This past weekend, my students from around the world convened online for a weekend of profound unity and love. Transcending distance, culture, faith, ethnicity, and gender, they gathered in sessions and workshops, meals and celebrations, and rejoiced in their shared desire to bond. More than 6,000 students convened on the platform they have built themselves, and which they named Arvut (mutual responsibility). They spoke in dozens of languages, all with simultaneous interpretation, and talked of nothing but love and responsibility for one another.

Unity will determine the fate of the world. If we establish it, we will reverse the trajectory of enmity, aggression, and violence. If we shun it, the world will plunge into another war.

This weekend, we discovered once again that when there is a will to unite, there is always a way. The differences did not divide us. On the contrary, they brought us that much closer.

As a teacher, my greatest joy is to see my students accomplish themselves. This weekend, I was given a demonstration that my students have accomplished a great deal.

Indeed, this convention was the most powerful, intense, and serious of all the conventions thus far. My students proved that they are willing to fight for the unity of the world, to rise above their own ego, unite, and share that unity with the entire world.

There is nothing that the world needs more than unity. Accordingly, there is no greater gift that we can give to our fellow human beings than our unity and the invitation to join in.

Unity will determine the fate of the world. If we establish it, we will reverse the trajectory of enmity, aggression, and violence. If we shun it, the world will plunge into another war.

Great transformations lie ahead, whose nature depends on the degree of our unity. I hope and pray that humanity will join the unity we have achieved this past weekend, and raise itself from the nadir of abhorrence to the zenith of love of others.