Become a Channel to Pass the Light

283.02Question: Is there a difference between annulling yourself before the Creator and opening yourself to the Creator?

Answer: These are different things. Annulling oneself before the Creator means absolutely nullifying oneself. For example, you can imagine yourself as a tube through which light passes from one place to another and you are only the walls of this tube.

Comment: It seems to me that opening yourself is also being a tube, not a cork.

My Response: No, there is still a difference. These are very complex states; we will study them later. I cannot even describe them right away.

Question: During the lessons, I feel pleasure coming over me, and I have a fear that I am beginning to receive it, to absorb it. What kind of inner work should be done here in order not to agree to accept pleasure for my own sake?

Answer: No, you agree to accept, just make yourself a tube through which you will pass all the good things you receive from above to the group and to the whole world.

Question: What trace does light leave in me when it passes through me, as if through a tube?

Answer: A feeling of fulfillment, joy, gladness, and connection.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/2/24, Writings of Rabash “Justice, Justice You Shall Pursue”

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