Reveal the Evil Inclination

232.1Question: What does it mean that person who studies Torah and Mitzvot for the sake of reward has an evil inclination that is concealed?

Answer: He does not feel that he is in a state of egoism, and his ego is constantly developing. At the same time, he does not move forward at all, not only positively, but also negatively.

Question: How can we turn evil into good in a correct way? How should we work with egoism?

Answer: If evil tells you that you are disconnected from the Creator, and you ask the Creator for strength and knowledge to correct it and to be closer to the Creator, then you will succeed in working with evil.

Question: Who reveals one’s evil inclination to a person?

Answer: The Creator does everything. The question is whether it is by the person’s request or contrary to it. Therefore, ask the Creator to reveal the evil inclination and give you the strength to correct it.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/15/24, Writings of Rabash “The Torah Spoke Regarding Four Sons”

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