The Feeling of Perfection

947Comment: Rabash writes that after a gathering of friends they should have a feeling of perfection. What if I do not have that feeling? I cannot control my feelings.

My Response: This means you did not complete the work, you asked incorrectly, made the wrong effort.

Question: So this is an indication of my feelings?

Answer: It happens that this is very difficult to implement. Getting close to friends can be very difficult  for a person when he is in certain states.

But in general, if he makes an effort, and especially not alone but in a group, and if the whole group makes an effort to gather together in its center, in one core, as if hugging tightly, which does not mean that they really should hug, they just need to strive to ensure that everyone’s heart is connected with others, then a person begins to understand how this works.
From KabTV’s “Practical Kabbalah” 4/4/24

Related Material:
How To Feel Perfection?
How Can We Attain Perfection?

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