Entries in the 'Laitman Unplugged' Category

How Can We Be Grateful for Suffering?

627.1Andrey writes:

Michael, there is a certain formula: We will never receive what we want until we are grateful for what we have. How do we give thanks for troubles, pain, and suffering? This is what I have now.

Comment:  There are a lot of letters like his.

My Response: Yes, but we must understand that, in general, all of this goes into our piggy bank. The suffering itself and what we are going through, even if we cannot be grateful for it, is still considered a positive for us.

Question: Is it possible to live with this and think that it is necessary to go through these sufferings? This is what I get, and I have to go through it. Is such annulment before the sufferings taken into account?

Answer: The fact is that it depends on the person. It depends on me whether I suffer or not, how many cases, surgeries, and health problems I have endured in my life. But this is life.

Question: Can we say that life is a chain of suffering that one feels or does not feel, but it is still a chain of suffering?

Answer: Yes, of course.

Question: If you look at the history of humanity, it is a continuous chain of suffering. You say that somehow it all falls into a general piggy bank somewhere. What do I receive from it? This is Andrey’s and everyone else’s question.

Answer: What do you get out of it? What if you do not get anything? Have you suffered in vain?

Comment: That is right! Then there really is suffering. I have to get something out of this; I have to. Someone is told: “You will have a happy life in the next world.” Someone else is told: “Never mind, you will be purified through this.”

My Response: Is it worth making such a calculation? Personally, I try not to do this so that I do not have requests and complaints to the Creator regarding what I will get from this: “Well, now let us make a calculation of how much You owe me.”

Comment: “I was suffering; now You pay me.”

My Response: Yes, there is no such thing.

Comment: Very often, when a person looks back, he says that what I went through was right, or it was not in vain. This calculation that we make afterward, does it turn out to be correct? That all the suffering I went through was not in vain.

My Response: Yes. I do not think that we are coming to a state where we still condemn the Creator.

Question: Even though it sounds here and there, do you still think that we justify Him?

Answer: Yes.

Question: How does He do everything so interestingly? He takes a person through great suffering, and then the person says: “I did not go through them in vain.” How does He show it to us?

Answer: The fact is that everyone suffers, any part of nature: inanimate, vegetative, animate, and even more so humans.

Absolutely everyone suffers! Even the pleasure they experience just covers up a little bit of the previous suffering.

Question: Is it correct to say that I want to go through this life full of suffering, but to suffer as little as possible? Is this the correct formula?

Answer: You can say that too, although you do not have to say it; it does not matter. But according to your nature, you cannot desire suffering.

Question: But is it somehow embedded in my path? You say: “The root of my soul…” Do I one way or another have to go through them?

Answer: Yes.

Question: If I live with the fact that I have to go through them, does it make my life easier? Is that right?

Answer: Yes.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 12/18/23

Related Material:
The Devious Sweetness Of Pain
The Path Of Light Versus The Path Of Suffering
Through Suffering And Pleasure

Is It Possible to Live without Pain?

232.09Question: Benjamin writes:

As long as I can remember I have been in pain! Pain when I was beaten in the courtyard. Pain for the dog that was poisoned by neighbors. Pain that I cannot take revenge. Pain from divorce. Pain, pain… All of life is pain! Is it really impossible to live without pain? Is it possible not to feel pain?

Answer: No, it is not possible to be without it. Each of us feels pain, and everyone has their own reasons for it and their own memories. We cannot do anything about it until the full correction of the world.

Question: And why is such pain given to a person—until he screams?

Answer: It is so that a person realizes that he must break away from it. Pain helps us. Just like pain during illness. It indicates that something is wrong with you, and that is why you rush to the healers. Otherwise, you would put your hand in the fire and sit calmly while it burns.

Question: In other words, our destiny is to be in pain?

Answer: Yes. Pain is a very good quality, a sense of malfunction in a person.

Question: Are you even suggesting now that it is possible to try to love pain?

Answer: To love, I do not know to what extent to love, but to love the manifestation of pain that pushes you toward healing.

Question: And how can I come to conclusion during the pain that it is a correction, that it is pushing me? Here he talks about inner pain, and about soul pain, and about such pain… He combined everything.

Answer: Any kind of pain.

Question: Are you also combining everything into one pain?

Answer: Absolutely, it does not matter whatsoever. And then you start to feel that this pain is for your own sake.

Question: How can you draw the right conclusions during pain? When you are in pain, you only feel pain.

Answer: All you feel is pain, but you begin to understand that it is meant to remind you that you are not okay, that you have to do something to get rid of it. In other words, pain is designed to get rid of pain. And this is your salvation.

Question: Then the question is: how to actually get rid of it?

Answer: Discover the cause of the pain and distance from it first of all. And then explore and understand that maybe the very cause of pain is for you, for your benefit, and you should be content that it exists.

Question: Can you name the main cause of pain?

Answer: The main cause of pain is that a person does not want to feel pain. If he was to tell himself that I am ready to feel pain, then by moving in that direction, he would cease to feel it. It is not easy, but it is possible.

Question: It means that if you as if approach it and accept it, then it begins to subside?

Answer: Yes. Then you start to feel its opposite side.

Question: This is his second question: “Is it possible not to feel pain or to rise above it?”

Answer: It is possible to rise and it is possible not feel pain if a person wants it. Everything depends on the awareness of evil. If a person senses evil, then he is ready to endure any pain in order to get rid of this evil to the extent of the awareness of it.

Question: When you say “awareness of evil,” it is awareness of what—my nature or…?

Answer: My nature or the pain it evokes in me. I am ready to endure. And so much so that I do not feel pain.

Question: So it is like surgery, where this evil is cut out from me?

Answer: Yes, and it needs to be cut out, I am ready for it! I cannot live with it.

Question: How can one come to this sensation of evil?

Answer: It is coming. When it is necessary, it will come.

Question: But are we being guided to this?

Answer: We are being guided to a realization that pain is salvation. It indicates what is bad in us. And we must agree to the removal of the cause of pain in order to achieve good.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 10/19/23

Related Material:
Do Not Contradict the Creator
When Will Fear Disappear?
Everything Passes

The Biblical Serpent Is Not What We Think

115.06Timur writes: I have listened carefully several times to your explanations of what the Torah is. I realize that the Torah is instruction for correction. I realize that the serpent is in me, and it is always egging me on. I even feel that I cannot stop and therefore I spoil the relationship with my wife and friends even though I do not want to do that. My first question is: How do I crush this serpent?

Question:  He understands that it is his ego, his pride, that is spoiling his life. Can this serpent be crushed?

Answer: In general, a person himself can try to do this all his life and fail. Although a lot of people are doing this and want to be better, but it does not work out directly this way.

It will work only in one way; if we create an external environment, that is, a human society, that will put pressure on everyone, impose on everyone in the right way, in a good way, how to behave with each other, then it will work.

But so far, it has not worked anywhere. So, of course, everything is fine, but for some reason it always turns out very badly.

Comment: You just said this: it will not work individually if I just want to crush it in myself. You think this is doomed to fail. But if we want to sort this out, then you say that such an option is possible here.

My Response: “We” means the group, a society. Let’s try.

Question: Will it, this serpent, our egoism, be crushed? What will happen to it?

Answer: Such a “tapeworm” lives inside us.

Question: Will it keep living?

Answer: There is nothing we can do to it.

The only thing we can do is just agree among ourselves that we will all oppose it and thereby strangle it in ourselves.

Question: But not to death, you are saying?

Answer: No, it is impossible to strangle it to death. This is no longer our work. We just have to want it to quiet down so much that it kind of ceases to exist. So that it does not speak but huddles in a corner somewhere and stays there.

Question: Timur has a second question: “Is there something good about the serpent? After all, I know that in our world snake venom is used as medicine.”

Answer: There is a lot of good in the serpent and, in principle, there is nothing bad about it. Nothing! It is only to the extent that a person cannot fight his serpent that he discovers that the serpent is evil. But he detects this only in order to work with it correctly.

In general, the serpent is a creation of the Creator. It was created in order to correct a person and lead him to absolute goodness.

A person cannot fight the serpent; this is clear. But he can ask the Creator for this.

Question: How did humanity figure out that it is possible to use snake venom for medicine? This is some kind of reverse thought. Poison on one hand, on the other hand, medicine.

Answer: Any poison is a medicine. There is nothing bad or evil in the world. Nothing! Moreover, the venom of the snake, which seems at the first glance designed to kill everything, is precisely a great medicine.

Question: Timor’s third question is: “Is it possible to live in peace with the serpent?”

Answer: If we manage to control it, the serpent that is in us, that evil (envy, jealousy, hostility, and pride), then, of course, we will be able to use the whole serpent for good. It will be with us in an embrace, as with Adam and Eve.

Question: His fourth question is very interesting: “Why do we see the serpent in the Bible only at the beginning, in the Garden of Eden, and then nothing is said about it? After all, it exists. You said that it is in us until the very end.”

Answer: It is an eternal creature, an eternal being, an eternal nature, that will be with us all the time until we correct it at the end through our serious, long–term work.

Comment: But really, when reading the Torah (the Bible), we see that the word “serpent” ends there.

My Response: Yes, it is at the beginning, at the very beginning of the sin, at the foundation.

Question: But where is it later? Are all these, roughly speaking, evil heroes its personification?

Answer: Everything evil that happens in people and between people, all of this is the consequence of the serpent, called by other names, but this is it.

Question: Let’s finish about the serpent globally. The serpent, what is it?

Answer: It is not the serpent we imagine. It is what lives inside us and is our egoism that wants to exist only by itself, in spite of others, hates everyone and everything, and wants nothing but to rule over everyone.

This serpent is in us. There is no other serpent in principle. Its future lies in the fact that we will define it as the only evil inclination of the entire nature, which we must necessarily exterminate from ourselves.

Question: Exterminate, after all?

Answer: Yes. To exterminate it from ourselves means that we must understand where it is, in what form, and how we can deal with it. That is, the serpent is a purely spiritual substance.

Question: When you say “exterminate,” does it mean to conquer, put in a cage, or what?

Answer: Do whatever you want. Tie it into a knot and do not let it stick its head out of you.

Question: Recently you said that it is necessary to project warmth and love. When you say that we should approach each other with kindness and warmth, does it mean that we are going to conquer this serpent?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Will it at the same time become stronger?

Answer: After all, we must understand that the fight against the serpent is a work for all times until complete correction.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 10/18/23

Related Material:
The Upper Wisdom of the Torah
The Serpent Is An Assistant In Achieving The Great Goal
The Serpent—The Driving Force Of Nature

What if only Donkeys Are Around?

961.2The donkey told the tiger, “The grass is blue.”
The tiger replied, “No, the grass is green.”
The discussion became heated, and the two decided to submit the issue to arbitration, so they approached the lion.
The donkey told the tiger, “The grass is blue.”
The tiger replied, “No, the grass is green.”
The discussion became heated, and the two decided to submit the issue to arbitration, so they approached the lion.
As they approached the lion on his throne, the donkey started screaming: ′Your Highness, isn’t it true that the grass is blue?”
The lion replied: If you believe it is true, the grass is blue.”
The donkey rushed forward and continued ′′The tiger disagrees with me, contradicts me and annoys me. Please punish him.”
The king then declared: ′′The tiger will be punished with 3 days of silence.”
The donkey jumped with joy and went on his way, content and repeating ′′The grass is blue, the grass is blue…”
The tiger asked the lion, “Your Majesty, why have you punished me, after all, the grass is green?”
The lion replied, ′′You’ve known and seen the grass is green.”
The tiger asked, ′′So why do you punish me?”
The lion replied, “That has nothing to do with the question of whether the grass is blue or green. The punishment is because it is degrading for a brave, intelligent creature like you to waste time arguing with an ass, and on top of that, you came and bothered me with that question just to validate something you already knew was true!” (“Short Story of the Donkey, the Tiger and the Lion: When Arguing is Futile”)

Question: When you argue with someone, which one of you is a donkey?

Answer: The one who objects to the donkey is the donkey.

Question: As a result, this tiger who objects to a donkey is a donkey? And there is no need to waste time on these arguments?

Answer: There is no need. The lion is right to condemn him.

Question: Then the question is how can one argue with donkeys, since it happens all the time? You say: “Don’t argue at all.” But what should one do?

Answer: There is nothing you can do. If they exist in nature, then the wisest thing is not to get into an argument with them.

Question: That is, if there is a stubborn person, and you understand that he is stubborn, you don’t have to prove your truth to him in any way?

Answer: In no way.

Question: How will you build your truth if there are, say, only donkeys around you?

Answer: Tell them all that they are right. And if there are a lot of them, let them sort it out among themselves.

Question: Do you keep your truth to yourself and not spread it?

Answer: Yes, of course.

Question: Is this the right thing to do?

Answer: Not only is this the right thing, it is the only right way out of this state.

Question: Meaning, it’s like what is happening now in the country: everyone is stubborn and holds on to his own, precisely his own. And he’ll never move away from it; you know that perfectly well. And you still get in and out of arguments. Why?

Answer: Each tries to convince the other that he is right.

Question: And what does this result in?

Answer: That everybody is a donkey.

Question: But what are my actions, after all? Quietly, calmly build my own on the sidelines, without entering into disputes?

Answer: Yes, mind your own business.

Question: How will I draw my own, non-donkey line?

Answer: Don’t draw it.

Question: How will this be resolved then?

Answer: It will be resolved somehow. If the world is made up of donkeys, then nothing can be done. Understand what it is like.

Question: I will ask you carefully: does the world consist mainly of donkeys after all?

Answer: We can see it!

Question: Yes, we see that everyone defends their position. What is the future of this world then? Surely it has to come to some sort of decision after all?

Answer: No.

Question: Can it continue like this?

Answer: Yes. The last thousands of years that we have known the world, this is how it happens.

Comment: It’s going to go on and on.

My Response: Of course. Give the donkeys a chance to live normally in this world.

Question: What will this result in?

Answer: This will lead to the fact that there will be wars after which there will be little left.

Question: Nobody will give in?

Answer: Nobody. After some kind of war, people will remain by the ashes; they will sit quietly by the fire, drink tea and talk. It will no longer matter to them.

Question: Former enemies, is that what you mean?

Answer: Yes, even enemies.

Question: Will these wars go on again?

Answer: They will, inevitably.

Comment: Wars, I mean even our skirmishes.

My Response: As long as egoism exists, it will not disappear. This is human nature.

Question: How can we change our nature? How can we rise above the “donkey,” to get out of the donkey state?

Answer: Only if people understand the meaning of the existence of the world, countries, and people, will they be able to do something about it.

Question: Then tell me, what should they understand?

Answer: They must understand what we are saying: that the world is in its egoistic development. We have to realize this. We have to rise above our egoism. If we want to, then it will happen; and if we don’t want to, then it won’t happen. Then after some generations they will dig us up and understand what happened here.

Question: I don’t want it to be like this. What do you think might work?

Answer: Only evil can work. When evil manifests more, then we can rise above it. Evil must be realized. It is not that the world is collapsing. It must be a realized evil, that this is the nature of man and only if we decide and shout together to the Creator will we be saved.

Question: So you are talking about the recognition of my evil as such, in everyone? Is this evil?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Then what function is assigned to us?

Answer: I hope that our work will still show its result somewhere. Somewhere it will.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 8/21/23

Related Material:
Don’t Waste Your Life on Strangers
Did Humanity Ever Know Truth?
Where Is The Truth?

Life Should Be Much Simpler

79.01Question: Nastya writes: “One day the lights went off and I called a neighbor who had two children and invited her to visit me. We were sitting and talking at the table with candles burning with the children were nearby. As soon as the lights came back on, the children ran and turned on the TV, and we became silent.

What do you think about this feeling of happiness that was there and then was suddenly gone?“

Answer: Yes, it is gone because it presses. But it has always been so. Recall past times, even centuries ago.

Question: How can we feel such happiness now? Is it possible in the light, with modern technology, progress, and all this or not?

Answer: No. With present life, the way of life, its pace, and everything else that exists, we cannot make ourselves happy. We give in to what we have created, and it is killing us.

Question: I would say that we are bought. Do you think it is not necessary to create or still move toward the goal, toward what I want to be?

Answer: To move toward the goal, you just need to live in a much simpler way, not to wait until nature, society, or the Creator crush us, but do it, perhaps reasonably and gradually, somehow by yourself.

Question: Do you have an idea of how a person should do it?

Answer: It will not work to turn off the lights. It will not work to diminish anything. There are too many interested egoists who will still produce all sorts of rubbish and make all sorts of dull productions on screens—anything possible. All this needs a very strong push and revelation of evil in order to correct it.

How can we uncover this evil? By a serious war?

Question: In whom will it reveal itself, in consumers or in those who push everything into a consumer?

Answer: It is required from both sides. Both from producers and consumers.

Question: So that it is suddenly revealed that this is all evil?

Answer: That this is the end! You cannot go any further; that is it! There must be an uprising. Let us make the world simpler, more understandable, more comfortable, and most importantly, calmer. In such a world we will be able to clarify in ourselves what we are for, why, and what we should come to.

Question: And the last question, what will we understand in this case, as you said? What will we understand then?

Answer: We will understand that the main thing is what a person desires in this world. So that he clarifies it, but very seriously, not halfway. And then he will achieve this goal.

Question: So do you put it this way: “I need to get rid of all this ‘noise’ and very, very quietly focus on what I want.”?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Is that all? And what will he understand? What he wants?

Answer: He will understand the meaning of life—the most important thing that he has.

Question: What is it in?

Answer: The meaning of life is in attaining the meaning of life.

Question: It is like a wheel: the meaning of life is attaining the meaning of life. Is there some kind of eternity in this, in what you are saying?

Answer: Of course. It is absoluteness, eternity, perfection, and infinity.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 2/14/22

Related Material:
Expand The Meaning Of Life
Is Food the Meaning of Life?
“What Is The Meaning Of Life And Why Are We Here?” (Quora)

Everything Will Change in a Blink of an Eye

292Question: Igor asks: “I am an empath; I am physically shaken by the troubles that are happening around. How can I learn not to empathize?”

Answer: No, it is necessary to empathize. This is how we were created. We just need to create a parallel system in ourselves that will understand why everything negative is happening. In order for us to complement this with a positive to extinguish this negative.

Comment: Igor writes that he is deeply shaken by what is happening, he empathizes with it.

My Response: Nothing of this is needed. Absolutely! It is necessary to relate to this very simply.

Everything in the world is in an exceptional form. It depends only on us as to how these opposing forces and phenomena will complement each other to absolute, complete perfection. That is what we need to desire.

Question: Reveal the secret; how do you see it all? We see it quite differently. Look at what is happening: wars are being prepared there; weapons are being accumulated over there; people are dying and close to death from hunger in other places. So, he says it shakes him deeply. How can you say, everything is in a state of perfection?

Answer: First, it is necessary to try to reach the feeling of the Creator, who manages all this, and manages it absolutely calmly, methodically, and with love. And He already sees the beginning, the middle, and the end in one absolute state. This is the first.

Second, everything that happens in the world happens inside of us. Inside of us, only inside of us, and not somewhere outside where stars explode, something falls down, something is being done. This is how it seems to a person. For this, we just need to read a little bit of Kabbalistic materials regarding the impression about the world, the universe, about what is happening. It is all inside of us and only inside of us. And if we change our qualities, then accordingly we will change our perception of the world, and we will see a completely different world.

How could it be? After all, I can see who is killing whom, who is doing something with someone. Look at what is going on in the world! Just evil, only evil. It is because that is how I look at it, at this world.

Comment: So you say in a simple way: inside me is war, I see war; inside me is evil, I see evil; inside me is hate, I see hate.

My Response: Yes. This is called an “egoistic, individualistic perception of the world.”

Question: So, this is my correction?

Answer: Change yourself and you will see a different world. And what is it like in general? It is nothing! A simple light flooding the entire universe.

Question: Am I in front of this light?

Answer: To the extent that I can imagine it. And not further. But I think we are getting closer to it.

Question: Do you have such a feeling?

Answer: Yes, I hope that it is getting closer and closer and more tangible

Question: And a person will be able to understand that if he changes, the world will change?

Answer: It is very easy. It will suddenly be simply as usual for people, why didn’t we see this before?

Question: It will not be like a discovery of America?

Answer: No. People will just talk about it as if it was also so yesterday. So, it was not there yesterday, you didn’t see it. You say “yesterday”?

Who?! We?! How could it be?

Question: Are you talking about what a person would possibly say: “I’ve changed, the world has changed”?

Answer: He will not even realize that he has changed; it will be so natural.

Question: Just the world will change, that’s all?

Answer: Yes. He’ll live in a different world.

Question: But is it going to happen because of his internal efforts that have been going on all the time?

Answer: But not everyone made internal efforts. But in general, it will happen anyway.

Question: Who does it, a person, or is it done by the light, the Creator?

Answer: The light of course! But we need to ask very hard for the light to do this with us.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 2/14/22

Related Material:
Next Year Will Be a Turning Point
To Change The World
When There Is No War Within Us

If You Are Lonely

294.3Question: In one of your clips there was a story about a lonely whale that exists in its own frequency and makes its own sounds. The others don’t see or hear him. He wanders all by himself.

Martha writes to you: “Tell me, what should I do? I am such a lonely whale. I am surrounded by a lot of people, but I am all alone. I really want to communicate with people, but I cannot find sincere contact, I am afraid of people. What should I do?”

Answer: Tune in to the fact that there are no sincere contacts. Exist the way you exist. It is not called being a lonely whale. The whale also does not exist alone, but among many, many others, similar to and including him. So are we.

Comment: But it was said that the whale wanders around alone, that none hear it or see it. Martha thinks she is the same.

My Response: So, what? What Is wrong with that? I do not feel like a lonely whale. I do my own thing, communicate with a certain number of people, and so on. That is, it is not loneliness.

Question: Not loneliness. And if she has this loneliness?

Answer: This is how she feels.

Question: If she writes: “I’m afraid of people”? How can she overcome such a problem if it is not at the medical level? Fear of people, fear of contacts, there are the people who do not want this connection; they are afraid of it. What should be the result of their efforts?

Answer: The result is that they eventually find company in which they feel free.

Question: But we need to look from easy to difficult, with whom can I? Do not force yourself.

Answer: No! But you can join some clubs and chat with one or two women or men there.

Question: Please explain why you insist on contact. Why not tell a person: “Well, just exist the way you are”?

Answer: But she is complaining!

Comment: She complains, that is right. “I really want to communicate with people, but I cannot find a sincere contact.”

My Response: Sincere! She herself is not ready for sincere contact.

Question: Is that what you feel?

Answer: Of course.

Question: What kind of contact is sincere for you? For her, it is clear to me that she is looking for something like this for herself.

Answer: For me, a sincere contact is to find a book that would capture me. That is all.

Question: In general, what would you call a sincere contact?

Answer: When they understand you. But that is hardly good either. At the same time, a person has very little of himself left. It is true, we do not really want to open up.

Question: Yes, we are closed, of course. So, after all, what is sincere contact?

Answer: I do not know. This is when you feel comfortable with a person. But with whom can you be constantly calm?

Comment: This is also a problem.

My Response: Of course.

Question: A real contact, what is it?

Answer: Real contact is obviously when you love a person and want to make him feel good all the time.

Comment: You took it and suddenly turned everything around just like that. Instead of being good for me, you say: “So that it would be good for the other. And this is called contact.”

My Response: Yes when I feel that I want it to be good for him, create a pleasant atmosphere for him, a feeling.

Question: And if we are talking about the upper, about the Creator, what is a real contact?

Answer: This is already an equivalence of form. This is so that I can affect the Creator in the same way that He affects me. To do this, I need to change my nature, which, by the way, He made for me. So, I must ask Him to change it. This request is the contact.

Question: Can such a request be sincere?

Answer: Partly, until I really ask sincerely.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 3/23/23

Related Material:
Loneliness Is Unhealthy
Life Without Friends Is Dangerous
“Alone Is Not Always Lonely” (Medium)

The Heart that Pumps Life

610.2Comment: Arkady writes: “Michael Laitman, you always talk about the heart—feel with your heart, understand with your heart, and hear with your heart. Everyone nods their heads and writes sublime comments, as if they understand. But it is not clear. Tell us, practically, what is a heart that hears, understands, and feels? Otherwise, it resembles philosophy that is completely devoid of life.”

My Response: A heart that understands is aware of everything, feels, and hears; these are connected hearts, nothing more.

Comment: But the human heart has different associations.

My Response: Remove everything preventing their connection with each other, and you will get this common heart.

Question: When you say “heart,” what do you mean? Do you mean desire?

Answer: Yes, desire. Not a pump.

Question: What should my desire become in order to connect with desires of others?

Answer: It could be a pump, when I pump others. I live in order to pump blood, to drive my blood through others. And so does each one through all others.

Question: When you say “blood,” what do you mean?

Answer: Life-giving fluid. This is life.

Question: And when you say “life,” what do you mean?

Answer: Life is a feeling of connection with everyone and the reason for living.

Question: What do we come to when we start living this way?

Answer: We rise above ourselves, live for others, and are connected all together, and then we understand the hearts of all.

Question: Then it will all be like one heart. Besides “heart” can we replace this word?

Answer: No. This is what we are used to and how it is said and written everywhere.

Question: Kabbalists write “heart.” Why the heart and not the mind?

Answer: It is responsible for life. This is where we feel fulfillment, compression, expansion. We live according to this rhythm.

Question: When I say, “My heart is in pain,” what do I mean?

Answer: It is actually shrinking; these are very serious nerve connections. That’s why a person feels more, less; it is the work of the heart. That is why it is so significant.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 2/9/23

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“What Does My Heart Desire Now?”

How Much Longer for Changes for the Better?

543.02Comment: One day a disciple asked his master: “How long do we wait for changes for the better?” “If you wait, it will take a long time,” the master replied.

We always have two possibilities: either to wait for a change for the better, or to not wait and to act. We see today that actions lead mainly to hatred, to a desire to change others. This is called action. I have a feeling that it is better not to act.

My Response: Actually, yes.

Question: What do you think is the right approach?

Answer: The right approach is to consciously dissolve in nature. Nature is the Creator. As much as we agree with this nature, with how it flows and what it does, it is much easier for us to accept the truth.

Question: So are you in favor of accepting?

Answer: What can you do?

Comment: Be proactive somehow. Here the wise man said: “Act.”

My Response: No, there is no point.

Question: So for you, the action is to accept what is happening? Can this be called an action?

Answer: Of course, you are working on yourself.

Question: Is it something active?

Answer: Of course. You force yourself to accept nature, or the Creator, as the only objective force of reality that exists.

Question: So I justify what is happening to me?

Answer: Of course, and everything around you.

Question: This is clearly a fantasy, but if everyone acted this way—politicians, scientists, what would happen? What would everything turn into?

Answer: Everything would be good and quiet. We would agree with the course of our lives and would calmly observe it.

Question: What about science, medicine, technology, and technological progress?

Answer: These too are given to us to gradually master and realize that none of them will change anything in the end.

Question: What is action and non-action? What is an action in agreement with what is happening?

Answer: This means that I fully trust the Creator and do not want to change anything according to my mind. I do not want to run ahead of what is happening. In general, I am not interested in any problems or any states. I am interested in involving myself in this and going with the flow. Not because I am lazy, but because I do not want to interfere in what is happening with my brains or my strength.

Question: The master was asked: “How long do we wait for changes for the better?” He replied: “If you wait, it will take a long time.” How would you answer? Or how would you comment on it?

How long do we wait for changes for the better?

Answer: There is no need to wait. The best is what is now. As you change yourself, your perception will change accordingly. Take everything philosophically.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 1/12/23

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The Most Important Thing
How To Get Out Of Apathy
Measure Twice, Cut Once

What Needs To Be Done So a Child Will Not Kill Cats?

022Comment: Irina writes to you: “I am horrified by what has happened! My son was present when his friends killed a stray cat with stones, and then hanged it. My son is 12 years old. I shouted at him so that the neighbors came running.

And suddenly I realized with horror that he couldn’t hear me and didn’t understand why I was yelling at him like that. “Well, big deal, a cat, it’s nobody’s. It was begging for food around here,” was his answer. I’ve been living with this for a month now and I don’t know what to do or how to communicate with him. Why is there such cruelty in him, in all of them?!”

My Response: You have raised a “good” son.

Question: So you blame her?

Answer: Of course, it’s her fault, but who else?

As long as it didn’t concern her, everything was fine. And now, when she saw it for the first time, it hurt her.

Comment: But still, it’s not so much the parents as the environment.

My Response: It doesn’t matter. Anyway, the demand is from the parents.

If parents ask themselves harshly what is happening to their children, then this will not happen.

This means that there is such a situation at home. Precisely at home, the situation is like that! It’s in the air. About the fact that you can kill an animal or even a stranger, some homeless person, and then others in general.

Also on TV someone kills.

Comment: And these games are computer games, and that’s it.

My Response: Check what your son “feeds on.”

Question: And if, for example, parents see that those with whom the child communicates are in a bad environment, they have to force him out of there?

Answer: They should keep him out and stuff him with other values. This should be done beautifully. Through good films, literature, and so on, but so that he would be interested.

Comment: What a burden on parents after all!

My Response: I also grew up in an environment where around me boys of the same age as me were then in prison. Such were the problems!

Comment: Yards.

My Response: Yes.

Question: And your parents didn’t let you out?

Answer: No.

Question: What is the advice to parents if they see that the child is heading downward? What advice would they give to them if he fell into some kind of bad company?

Answer: Isolate. And give anything but bad company. My father took me to see good films about all sorts of musicians. He himself was a very big fan of cinema.

Comment: Meaning, he understood that it was necessary to surround you with this.

My Response: Yes. I believe that this must necessarily be done.

Comment: In general, the view today is that I put the child in front of the computer or the TV, just so he will be silent.

My Response: There is no such thing. It depends on the internal situation in the house. The child feels very much what is important to parents and what is not, what they welcome, what they prefer, respect.

Question: So, in principle, you are talking about another school—the school of parenting?

Answer: Of course, the only way is to educate parents and for parents to create such an environment at home in which the child can breathe the right air.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 2/7/22

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