Do Not Contradict the Creator

565.02Comment: There is a parable about a man who was dying from an incurable disease. His relatives had already given up believing he would recover. But they were told that there is a wise man nearby who heals people. They brought this wise man to the ailing man. He asked to be left alone with the patient. They talked quietly and then the sage left. The next day, the patient began to recover. He recovered fully. And then he was asked: “What did the sage say to you that you easily defeated the disease?” He replied: “The sage told me: don’t try to overcome the disease – love it.”

It sounds, of course, very wise, but it is impossible to love your illness.

My Response: Agree with this. Meaning, agree with what comes to you and accept it as the best option.

Comment: Humanity is sick, and sick with diseases that are largely incurable. Everyone wants some advice that will suddenly help him to live somehow.

My Response: Relax and don’t try to change anything. Swim calmly with the flow of life. Accept what you have. Because everything that is done is done by the Creator. Therefore, do not contradict Him, but feel that at every moment in time, you are connected with Him.

Question: What should one do with the fears that spur a person on all the time?

Answer: There will be no fears! Because fear comes from you wanting to secure some special future for yourself. Here it doesn’t exist.

Question: So, fear is when you disagree with the Creator?

Answer: Yes. But not in this scenario. The future disappears, it doesn’t exist. At every moment it is equivalent to the fact that you are leaving and there is nothing left of you. And everything is calm. Whatever was, will still be. As King Solomon had it written on the ring.

Question: So, you think that if a person gets along with this formula if he lives with it and exists, then it will free him from fears and even from pain?

Answer: The point is not that he will be free from fear and pain, but that he will simply be properly connected with nature, with the Creator.

Question: And what will this result in?

Answer: This will give a connection with the Creator, serenity, rapprochement, and simply merging.

Question: What place do doctors occupy in this whole bundle, in the formula?

Answer: Doctors, in principle, are not designed to pull a person out of an illness. They can’t do that. It is necessary, so the Creator will send it in one way or another, wherever and whenever is necessary.

But the fact is that doctors should help a person to be in clarity. In clarity of mind, in clarity of strength, as much as possible. So that he would properly relate to everything that happens to him.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 1/12/23

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