When There Is Not Enough of the Upper Force

627.2Comment: If you look at what is the most popular on YouTube or on the Internet, cats are of great interest. There are millions and billions of views of these animals lying on their backs or climbing into a bag, etc.

My Response: Miserable humanity! Look at the level of its development, the needs it has, and what a big lack of confidence! Children that lack a mom.

Comment: Imagine a hedgehog swimming in water, and there are 40 million views.

My Response: Well, what can you do? This is the way of development.

Question: Is it possible to come to the point that people will discard this animal part and suddenly become interested in the inner part?

Answer: Yes, they will discard it. Or rather, they will slip past it quickly. After all, everything happens under the influence of light. So, soon they will feel the changes in them.

When we bring the upper force, mind, and light into this world, it affects everyone, and people become different. They suddenly think differently, feel differently, and suddenly look at the world differently. Their requests and needs change, they solve everything differently, and cannot help but follow the change that the light creates in them.

So, all this depends not on them but on us, on those who know that it is necessary to cause a greater intensity of the manifestation of light in our world through us, through the multitude of people who are already striving for the goal of creation today.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. 40 Million Viewers!” 6/2/12

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