When Light Is Activated

265The true state of humanity is bestowal and love. How can we get to this, and arrive gradually? By conducting all kinds of seminars, through new literature, new art, new mutual relations, and new examples from all sides.

Then a person, as it were, enters a completely different environment and begins cooking himself internally and externally. In accordance with this, people will almost immediately begin to feel changes in themselves because light acts in a huge mass of people. These are amazing changes. These are such transformations!

People start thinking differently; they themselves reduce their egoistic zeal and forget about their egoistic dreams of getting more and more. All TV channels focused on “where to buy” and “what to sell,” which are built on egoistic stimulation, are being shut down. Completely different television and public channels are being turned on that are built on absolutely different principles. And re-education, re-education!

This system is created based on the system of nature that was formed naturally from the world of infinity. When you aspire for it, you just arouse it in yourself.

Here the method of simple induction works. When you approach a magnet in a magnetic field, like in a piece of electrical wire, a current appears in you. All kinds of mechanisms, generators, dynamos, etc. are built on this principle. A metal wire moving in a magnetic field causes electrons to move in it, that is, an electric current.

It is the same with us. We have to move in this field and then a “current” will be induced inside of us. And that is it; nothing more is required because in this case we will feel a completely different nature.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Ideal Punishment” 10/5/13

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