Give Yourself to the Service of the Creator

527.03Question: How can we constantly develop a yearning for the Creator, a yearning to see Him in everything?

Answer: Do not forget Him. I must always be busy with something connected with the Creator and make notes for myself to always return to it.

In everyday life news is broadcast around the world at the top of every hour in different languages, like this we must make a habit of constantly returning to the Creator.

Question: What is this complete trepidation before the Creator, and how can the entire world group and through it, the whole world reach it?

Answer: A person obtains complete trepidation before the Creator when he feels absolute dependency on the Creator, a yearning for Him, and is ready to give himself to the service of the Creator. In this way, one achieves the adhesion with the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/2/24, Writings of Rabash “Justice, Justice You Shall Pursue”

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