Audio Version Of The Blog – 5/8/24

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Concealment Placed over the Eyes

294.3In the matter of the lower Hey in the Eynaim [eyes], it means that a Masach [screen] and a cover was placed over the eyes. Eyes mean seeing and Providence, when one sees hidden Providence (Baal HaSulam, Shamati 123).

Eyes and vision symbolize the spiritual level, the light of Hochma. The concealment placed over the eyes signifies the concealment of the light of Hochma by the screen.

The upper governance is concealed from us only to the extent that we cannot receive it for the sake of the Creator. By attaining the governance, we feel the Creator but only to the extent that we can performs acts of bestowing to Him.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/27/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “His Divorce and His Hand Come as One”

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The Most Important Decision

What Do We Enter a New Life With?

715When one dies, one does not take with him silver, gold, or jewels, but only Torah and good deeds. (Baal HaSulam, “The Freedom”).

Question: As a rule, it is unpleasant for a person to think about the day of his death. But this point gives the importance of choosing an environment and contributing to the group. How can you keep in focus the point that at the hour of death, nothing will help you but only the Torah and good deeds?

Answer: By death we do not mean the hour of death, but a new birth. That is how we need to understand death itself. Therefore, naturally, the Torah and good deeds are what accompany you and are what you enter a new life with.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/13/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Freedom”

Related Material:
Death Is Not The End
Beyond Death
There Is No Need to Be Afraid of Death

Faith and Love

294.2Question: What is faith?

Answer: Faith is confidence in something I cannot define in my thoughts and desires. That is, it is a desire to take on a higher degree of bestowal and connection although I know it is beyond my power.

Question: Are faith above reason and love two different things?

Answer: Yes, faith is a quality in which a person currently abides, and love is what is felt as a mutual integration of desires.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/18/24, Writings of Rabash “And he said, ‘When You Deliver the Hebrew Women’”

Related Material:
Only Love
Calculate Your Faith
Faith And Reason

Why Are We Unable to Do Actions for the Sake of the Creator?

6Question: Why do we have to exert efforts and beg the Creator to obtain the property of bestowal? Why can’t a person be given this ability right away?

Answer: The reason is that a person has to pay for it. Then he will consider that this is his property, he earned it, made it from his own self. In this case, he has legitimate pride and ownership of this property and for these actions.

Let’s say, in our world if a person is great in my eyes and I have done something for him, I receive a huge pleasure from this. It happens automatically, I do not have to make any effort. It is the same with the Creator. If He is great in my eyes, then there is no problem whatsoever to do everything for Him that can please Him.

Question: But if I ask any person in the world if the Creator is great in his eyes, he will answer yes. Then why are we unable to do any actions for Him?

Answer: Ask yourself. As a matter of fact, you do not have any respect for the Creator, no reverence for Him, because you do not know anything about Him. You do not sense Him and do not see His greatness. Had you seen His height and His power, you would gladly do something for Him.

Comment: Certainly if I saw it, yes. However, He concealed Himself for a purpose; He does not allow His greatness to be seen.

Answer: It is made this way so we would first get rid of egoism and gradually, as we get rid of the ego, we would be able to become similar to the Creator and approach Him.
From KabTV’s “Practical Kabbalah” 3/28/24

Related Material:
For the Creator’s Sake
How Can We Pass the Pleasure to the Creator
The First Restriction—Reception for the Sake of the Creator

The Order of the Assembly of Friends according to Rabash

942Question: Should a meeting of friends be held once a week?

Answer: Yes, that is what Rabash established.

Question: And why did he write about the importance of raising the greatness of friends at such meetings, about the importance of prayer, but he did not write anything about reading primary sources?

Answer: The reading of primary sources takes place in the morning, afternoon, and evening lessons. And a meeting of friends is held once a week. It is what directs us to take stock of what we have achieved, what we are going to achieve, and what our plans are.

Thus, a group that wants to advance spiritually sets the time of the friends’ assembly (Yeshivat Haverim) in advance at which they raise the importance of both the meeting itself and the friends.

Then everyone checks how much they have invested in it, sees that they no longer have the strength, and turns to the Creator with a prayer. Then he imagines that the Creator gave him an answer, gave him strength and upon leaving the meeting, feels himself to be perfect. This is the order of the assembly of friends in Rabash.

Comment: Thanks a lot for the practical advice! It remains only to implement them.

My Response: Good luck in the implementation!
From KabTV’s “Practical Kabbalah” 4/4/24

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Invitation To An Assembly Above Time And Place
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What To Look For In The Assembly Of Friends

Sprout in a New World

936This is like the source of the wheat: Although it changes a great deal by the three latter factors, it still retains the preliminary shape of wheat and will never take on the form of another species. (Baal Sulam, “The Freedom”).

Question: What lesson should we learn from the example of decomposing wheat in the work of the ten?

Answer: This example suggests that everything in a person changes except for one unchangeable parameter, which is his center, his basis. Therefore, we can change anything in ourselves, from very bad to very good, from death to a wonderful life.

All changes in these parameters depend on us, and what remains unchangeable in us is our primordial Reshimot (spiritual genes).

Question: Do we also need to change our form, decompose, and rot leaving only the original Reshimo in us?

Answer: Of course, this is what we do in connection with ourselves and with all of humanity.

Question: What should happen to each ten and to the world group? What does it mean that we will be reborn, rotted like wheat in order to sprout?

Answer: When you want to kill egoism in yourself, which practically exists under your pressure, or rather under your request to the Creator, then it will rot, and only its embryo will remain. And everything else will be replaced by the property of bestowal, love, and mutual connection. And then you will become a different person as if you are sprouting into a new world.

Question: Are the events that are happening now pushing us toward this rotting?

Answer: Of course, they push us to the point that we are convinced that we cannot live only with an egoistic quality and we need other forces—the forces of development.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/14/24, Wrtings of Baal HaSulam “The Freedom”

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Signs Of The Beginning Of The Correction
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The Connection Of Big Egoists

Bestowing to a Friend Means Bestowing to the Creator

600.01Question: What does it mean to “buy a friend“?

Answer: Buying a friend means doing everything they desire in order to create the closest possible connection between you.

Question: So am I sacrificing, for example, my time, my attention, and so on?

Answer: As much as possible, of course. This is how you buy yourself a friend. Because if you have several such friends, together you can achieve a connection with the Creator.

Since we do not feel the Creator, it is possible to understand Him and communicate with Him only after you become closer to your friends, communicate with them, and unite with them.

Question: If I am practicing acquiring the quality of bestowal toward my friend, then essentially, there is no difference whether I am bestowing to my friend or bestowing to the Creator, right?

Answer: There is practically no difference, because you perceive both your friend and the Creator outside of yourself. Therefore it does not matter whether you are bestowing to one person, to all of humanity, or to the Creator. Moreover, you do not expect any compensation in return. This is called unconditional love, love without conditions.
From KabTV’s “Practical Kabbalah” 4/11/24

Related Material:
“Buy Yourself A Friend”
Be The Creator’s Friend
How To Light The Fire In My Soul?

Questions about Spiritual Work—116

13.03Question: Who teaches us to work not for the sake of reception? Is this a quality of the Creator? Or is it a quality of the group or teacher?

Answer: The soul. It is said, “Man’s soul will teach him.” By going through all the states, a person gradually learns how he should relate and to what.

Question: To manifest goodness, a person needs to spend a lot of energy. Where can I get this energy to correct the evil inclination?

Answer: Also in the goodness. There is no other source of energy except the Creator.

Question: How do we get to a state that we cannot accept, in which we cannot stay, and from which we can already rise?

Answer: These are three different states. If you have the strength, if you have reached this point and can scrutinize it, figure it out and succeed.

Question: How does a Kabbalist relate to the pleasures of the material world?

Answer: He does not feel like he is making them. Therefore when he receives them, he has no real fulfillment. He is above that.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/15/24, Writings of Rabash “The Torah Spoke Regarding Four Sons”

Related Material:
Questions about Spiritual Work—115
Questions about Spiritual Work—114
Questions about Spiritual Work—113

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 5/8/24

Preparation to the Lesson

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1st part of the Lesson — Writings of Rabash, “The Severity of Teaching Idol Worshippers the Torah”

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2nd part of the Lesson — Lesson on the Topic of “Rising Above Reason”

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Selected Highlights

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