Sprout in a New World

936This is like the source of the wheat: Although it changes a great deal by the three latter factors, it still retains the preliminary shape of wheat and will never take on the form of another species. (Baal Sulam, “The Freedom”).

Question: What lesson should we learn from the example of decomposing wheat in the work of the ten?

Answer: This example suggests that everything in a person changes except for one unchangeable parameter, which is his center, his basis. Therefore, we can change anything in ourselves, from very bad to very good, from death to a wonderful life.

All changes in these parameters depend on us, and what remains unchangeable in us is our primordial Reshimot (spiritual genes).

Question: Do we also need to change our form, decompose, and rot leaving only the original Reshimo in us?

Answer: Of course, this is what we do in connection with ourselves and with all of humanity.

Question: What should happen to each ten and to the world group? What does it mean that we will be reborn, rotted like wheat in order to sprout?

Answer: When you want to kill egoism in yourself, which practically exists under your pressure, or rather under your request to the Creator, then it will rot, and only its embryo will remain. And everything else will be replaced by the property of bestowal, love, and mutual connection. And then you will become a different person as if you are sprouting into a new world.

Question: Are the events that are happening now pushing us toward this rotting?

Answer: Of course, they push us to the point that we are convinced that we cannot live only with an egoistic quality and we need other forces—the forces of development.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/14/24, Wrtings of Baal HaSulam “The Freedom”

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