Entries in the 'Adam-The Common Soul' Category

Get Closer to Understanding Spirituality

525Question: The Book of Zohar has two levels: the language of feeling and the language of spiritual definition. How can we use both levels to help us rise above the story and feel its spiritual meaning?

Answer: To help us understand the spiritual meaning, the Creator created not one person but many people by breaking the common soul into parts and thereby allowing us to unite.

If we unite over our egoism, we will be able to understand the Creator and all of nature more and better.

Question: How can I feel everything described in this book is happening to me?

Answer: This happens by the upper light, called The Zohar. We should only strive to bring each other closer and to positively influence each other.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/15/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “To Understand the Words of The Zohar

Related Material:
Feel The Book Of Zohar
The Zohar Is Revealed in Me
The Radiance Of The Book Of Zohar

Reveal a Good Connection

117Question: When you describe the field, which we perceive as disparate particles, do you mentally connect these particles by changing the system of perception?

Answer: Sometimes I also use this analogy. But, in general, this field is a system in which everything is connected. It is just that its elements are not included in the system correctly. Either they are included in the opposite way and slow everything down or they are included poorly and ineffectively.

Therefore, I am concerned about launching the system more explicitly so that it can start operating on its own. But that is a problem. However, time after time, gradually this happens.

In principle, it is a huge scheme in which all the parts exist together in common unchanging unity. This picture does not change since there is a rigid connection between them. It all depends on how they are included in each other as good or as harmful elements.

In their mutual inclusion, they create a system that gradually brings them closer to the one who created it, to the Creator, that is, to the upper force, the upper mind. Thus, gradually, by making yourself consciously kind (“love your neighbor as yourself” is our main goal), you put yourself in order, understand in what world you exist and in what connection with others.

When you learn, see, and start improving this scheme and its functioning, firstly, you will begin to feel comfortable. Secondly, you will detach yourself from your body, which is currently imposed on you as some nonexistent vision, and you will clearly feel yourself exactly in a state of inclusion with everyone else.

This feeling will suppress all earthly sensations. You will see only this system around you: how everyone is interconnected, how they work on the connection, but they work poorly, and that is why our world is the way we perceive it. Then you will see how it gets included and enters this system, is lost in it, as if it disappears, dissolves.

And the most important thing is that inside the system, when it begins to work in harmony, we feel the upper force, the one who created this field. This is the force of goodness, bestowal, mutual unity, and love. By feeling it, we become like it, eternal and perfect.

Then there are huge degrees of our development: greater and greater unity up to uniting into one single whole. At the same time, attainment and fulfillment occurs, which is what we internally desire for ourselves.

All our earthly desires are not even the first degree of what we receive when moving toward unity, because we gain great joy, fulfillment, eternity, perfection, everything! We can do this now. Just let us discover this good connection between us.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. One Desire” 1/6/12

Related Material:
In the Global Field of Mind and Feelings
Life in the Common Soul
To A Single Field Of Consciousness

In a Single Field

264.01We are all in a single field, like permanently connected particles. But this original connection of ours is like an electronic circuit that exists and that is it. How it will work and what program it will carry out is up to us.

When you buy a computer, you do not re-solder circuits or change any boards; they already exist. But how to load the computer, what program it will run, and what data it will calculate is up to you.

That is what we do. We do not even install a program in this system. It works on its own. It leads all parts of creation that are connected into a single organism called “Adam,” a single system, to feel this general connection.

There are two states in the application of this program, in which we must feel ourselves in a single connection.

We either walk and with every step, the system pushes us forward, i.e., it evokes in us some negative impulses that we involuntarily have to overcome because we feel pain as if we are receiving an electric shock as we yell “Ouch!” and run somewhere in the direction opposite to the shock. In this way, we create some kind of connection, but it is an unwanted awakening between us.

Or we realize that we are in a relationship with this system that is manifested now in all humanity, at all levels of our connection. We see our disagreement with the integral connection; this is called crisis.

In the end, we must agree with the way we are connected, all together, into one single system, completely interconnected in friendship and love, in which all our desires, thoughts, and properties will be directed only by the original work of the system so that we do not harm it with our egoism, but correct the ego to become a good interaction.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Single Field“ 12/27/11

Related Material:
Unity Happens Only On The Spiritual Level
Unity In Everything
Correction Lies In Unity

Adapt To the Spiritual System

938.03Question: What does a person who does not perceive the spiritual system do?

Answer: For this, we have courses where methods of incorporation into this system are studied. They give a person the opportunity to see the integral interconnection between all people. It is gradually approaching us, and we cannot escape from it. We have to get to know it, adapt it to ourselves or ourselves to it, otherwise it will be bad.

This system manages us and governs the whole world, the fate of humanity. If we get acquainted with it and are able to interact with it as correctly as possible, a person will bring himself and the whole world to a perfect state.

Everyone has the opportunity to imagine this picture in some, not yet sensory, but purely contemplative way. All kinds of clips, drawings, films, and articles have been created on this topic, all kinds of forums and practical classes are held so that a person gets an idea about this system, and then his integration into mutual connection with others occurs.

He will feel how it breathes, how it works, how the entire surrounding world is within this system.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Laitman’s Negative Properties” 1/5/12

Related Material:
Life in the Common Soul
To A Single Field Of Consciousness
Tuning To My Neighbor

Questions about Spiritual Work—88

243.04Question: What is the connection between the Holy Shechina and Adam HaRishon?

Answer: There is a significant difference between them. The Shechina is a part of the Creator, while Adam HaRishon is the general form of all created beings.

Question: We always begin the fulfillment of commandments with some transgression. What changes when we have the opportunity to put intention on this commandment?

Answer: Your attitude toward the action changes, the correction of intention occurs, and then the action becomes a commandment.

Question: What does it mean to attain the upper abundance in practice?

Answer: The upper abundance is the revelation of the Creator. If you want the other souls to receive it through you, they do it with the light you received from the Creator.

Question: Can we say that in spirituality, the forces of good and evil stand before each other and are somehow equal?

Answer: No, because even the smallest particle of egoism corrupts everything completely.

Question: If the Creator wants to delight His creations, why does it say in the sources that He does not need practical realization?

Answer: The Creator needs nothing, not even to fill us. We need this to become like the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/22/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “A Mitzva that Comes through Transgression”

Related Material:
Questions about Spiritual Work—87
Questions about Spiritual Work—86
Questions about Spiritual Work—85

Launch the Common System of the Universe

117Question: Each of us, as a particle of one spiritual system, must launch it separately from our perception, right?

Answer: Yes, it is different for everyone. For example, you do not see it yet, but I feel it in a certain form, and some people feel it clearly and explicitly.

Question: How do you run this system?

Answer: This is a sensory system. It is in me, inside. I feel it.

Comment: You once explained one cannot fully influence the entire system.

My Response: I can influence it only to the extent that I think and act kindly, and only at the level I am with my corrected, altruistic, and selfless powers. That is the only way.
From KabTV’s “I got a call. One Desire“ 1/6/12

Related Material:
The System Of The Universe
I Am the Soul!
Influencing Events

Connected With Other Souls

165Question: For our great teachers there were conditions to hide the secrets of the Torah and reveal the tastes of the Torah. It turns out that while studying the tastes of the Torah, we follow a well-trodden path and must reveal the secrets of the Torah through our own efforts, and then this is our path. Right?

Answer: Not really. It depends on how close you are to others who are moving with you toward the attainment of the soul. After all, we attain a common soul.

Therefore, there are a few things here that we need to figure out. By being connected with a certain number of souls, each of us can receive help based on this connection. As Baal HaSulam writes: “This is why the great ones hide many things. And except for this part, there is great benefit for souls from what they receive from innovations of the Torah of others.”

There are different cases. We are usually very happy that we have a connection through souls in order to connect with others who have attained, and therefore we can ascend and reveal much more than each attains on their own.

Question: Were the great Kabbalists forbidden to reveal the secrets of the Torah?

Answer: No, it depends. Otherwise today we would not have any Kabbalistic books at all.

Question: Were there any Kabbalists in history who fell from their degree?

Answer: No. The Kabbalist goes through such conditions when he already holds on to everything with absolute confidence, and no one will ever push him off this path.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/6/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “One’s Soul Shall Teach Him”

Related Material:
What Is The Difference Between The Revealed And The Concealed Torah?
The Torah Begins From A Secret
The Book That Connects The Sky And The Earth

Connect with Souls

939.01Question: What does it mean that we connect with individual souls? My friends in the ten are like separate souls. Where is the part of the soul that I connect with in them?

Answer: The desire of friends for spirituality, the point in the heart is his private soul. You should try to connect with each of them so that you can be together in one common soul.

Gradually you will become closer and closer, at different levels, and from this connection forms a common soul.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/6/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “One’s Soul Shall Teach Him”

Related Material:
Expand the Soul 620 Times
Common Soul—A System of Desires
Gather The Parts Of The Collective Soul

Connect the Fragments of the Broken Kelim

546.02Question: Before the fall, Adam was in holiness. Where did this holiness go after the fall, because now we have to start all over again as if from scratch in the world of Assiya? Is holiness preserved somewhere?

Answer: No, holiness is not preserved. It is broken.

But that does not matter to you. You must pick up the fragments of the broken Kelim and unite them into whole vessels.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/31/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Man’s Connection to the Sefirot

Related Material:
Why The Soul Requires Correction
Gather The Parts Of The Collective Soul
Puzzle “Adam HaRishon”

The Origin of Souls

264.01All of the souls extend from the soul of Adam HaRishon, for after he sinned in the sin of the Tree of Knowledge, his soul divided into 600,000 souls (Rabash, Article 10, 1984 “What Is the Degree One Should Achieve in Order Not to Have to Reincarnate?”).

Adam HaRishon is a system of desires, which in the beginning were as one desire, and then shattered into 600,000 parts, then into many more parts, and more, so that in each of the created beings, there is some part of the common soulAdam.”

Therefore, during our lives, and even during several life cycles, we need to try to change those egotistic desires that we reveal in ourselves into altruistic ones.

To do this, we must be in a group, among friends, learn correction from them, and they must learn from us, and through our efforts, we will help each other rise from egoism and obtain actions of bestowal and love.
From KabTV’s “Practical Kabbalah” 1/2/24

Related Material:
The Shattering of the Unified System of Adam HaRishon
That Is How We Were Created
The 600,000 Faces Of The Common Soul