Reveal a Good Connection

117Question: When you describe the field, which we perceive as disparate particles, do you mentally connect these particles by changing the system of perception?

Answer: Sometimes I also use this analogy. But, in general, this field is a system in which everything is connected. It is just that its elements are not included in the system correctly. Either they are included in the opposite way and slow everything down or they are included poorly and ineffectively.

Therefore, I am concerned about launching the system more explicitly so that it can start operating on its own. But that is a problem. However, time after time, gradually this happens.

In principle, it is a huge scheme in which all the parts exist together in common unchanging unity. This picture does not change since there is a rigid connection between them. It all depends on how they are included in each other as good or as harmful elements.

In their mutual inclusion, they create a system that gradually brings them closer to the one who created it, to the Creator, that is, to the upper force, the upper mind. Thus, gradually, by making yourself consciously kind (“love your neighbor as yourself” is our main goal), you put yourself in order, understand in what world you exist and in what connection with others.

When you learn, see, and start improving this scheme and its functioning, firstly, you will begin to feel comfortable. Secondly, you will detach yourself from your body, which is currently imposed on you as some nonexistent vision, and you will clearly feel yourself exactly in a state of inclusion with everyone else.

This feeling will suppress all earthly sensations. You will see only this system around you: how everyone is interconnected, how they work on the connection, but they work poorly, and that is why our world is the way we perceive it. Then you will see how it gets included and enters this system, is lost in it, as if it disappears, dissolves.

And the most important thing is that inside the system, when it begins to work in harmony, we feel the upper force, the one who created this field. This is the force of goodness, bestowal, mutual unity, and love. By feeling it, we become like it, eternal and perfect.

Then there are huge degrees of our development: greater and greater unity up to uniting into one single whole. At the same time, attainment and fulfillment occurs, which is what we internally desire for ourselves.

All our earthly desires are not even the first degree of what we receive when moving toward unity, because we gain great joy, fulfillment, eternity, perfection, everything! We can do this now. Just let us discover this good connection between us.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. One Desire” 1/6/12

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