The Divine Idea of Life

244We are not a country, not a state, not a people, we are an idea! A country can be destroyed, a state can be conquered, a people can be slaughtered, but the idea? The idea cannot be killed! (Sholom Aleichem)

Question: Does this idea live in us? What idea is he talking about?

Answer: In principle, there is no idea. There is no idea in itself. In the end, a man creates it in himself anyway. A person creates within himself an idea of why to exist, in the name of what to exist, and so on. And for this reason he exists.

Question: But there is an idea that people followed. The man ignited the people and led them. I mean Abraham. Is there still an idea of the people? Sholom Aleichem hints at this.

Answer: That idea is divine. It is not something created by man. It is perceived from the Creator. And they ignited the people and carried them within themselves.

Question: Does this idea live in us or does it not?

Answer: I do not see this.

Question: And still, the great Kabbalist Baal HaSulam writes that we have this grain within us, but it is covered by tons of egoism.

Answer: Maybe, somewhere within us, yes.

Question: What must be done to make this grain break through this concrete?

Answer: This requires a passionate desire to discover the meaning of life. And this seems so difficult to us and even insurmountable with our efforts that we reject it in advance. We say, “Ah, I will live as I do now. This is what I have, and there is nothing else.” A man agrees to such a wretched, miserable existence. And so does the whole people, and the whole world, until the Creator awakens us from above.

Question: So the only hope is in the upper one?

Answer: The only one!

Question: This concrete layer already exists above the world. And the only hope is for the upper one?

Answer: Let us hope for this!

Question: Let us hope for this. But should we at least make some kind of a move? I do not know what; take a sledgehammer, start hammering this concrete, do something, hit your head.

Answer: No, by doing this you demonstrate your disagreement with the plan of creation.

Question: So I must accept the current state and sit tight?

Answer: Yes, you must accept it.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 11/9/23

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