Live in Truth

527.03Question: Rabash writes that if a person does not strive for truth, he cannot live. But we see different people around us living in different ways. What is living in pursuit of truth in this case?

Answer: By life, we mean life in connection with the Creator. It can only be if you live in truth. Therefore, the search for the Creator is an all-encompassing aspiration.

You must strive for Him in prayer and request, and you must search to reach Him. All of our articles should direct you to the Creator.

Question: As you know, everyone has their truth, thanks to our egoism. How can the genuine truth be determined?

Answer: To do this, you must first feel true egoism, and then move from it to the genuine truth.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/2/24, Writings of Rabash “Justice, Justice You Shall Pursue”

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