The Passover Prohibition to Eat Leavened Bread

200.01Question:Pesach” (from the word “Pasach) means to step over or jump over from egoistic qualities to altruistic ones, to the qualities of the Creator.

Kabbalists described the procedure for emerging from egoism allegorically in the order of the Passover meal. One of the symbols of Passover is the prohibition of eating leavened bread. What does leavened bread symbolize in our inner work?

Answer: The prohibition of eating leavened bread means that if you wish to leave Egypt, you cannot apply any intentions for yourself. If you want to exit from egoistic desire, you must rid yourself of all actions that keep you in this intention.

Question: What does Matzah, called the bread of poverty, symbolize?

Answer: Bread is what sustains a person. Exiting from the egoistic state means that one starts consuming food that does not feed the egoism, but only provides spiritual strength, the quality of bestowal. The custom of eating Matzah signifies that a person should receive just what is necessary to sustain the body and with everything else, work for the sake of bestowal.

Question: Another symbol of Passover is the pre-Passover cleaning. What is the significance of this?

Answer: It means that we must completely renounce egoistic desires. Thus, we leave Egypt, i.e., our collective egoistic intentions for “oneself.” Therefore, we must cleanse ourselves of leavened bread (Hametz), which symbolize these intentions and various actions on all levels: inanimate, vegetative, animate, human, from everything around us and within us. It is written: “You shall remove leaven from your houses.”
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 3/28/21

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