Cultivate the Quality of Giving

938.01Question: What are the actions where there is no pleasure for the desire to receive and only for the desire to give through friends to the Creator?

Answer: These are acts of giving—actions opposite to egoism.

To translate this action into ever closer unity with our friends, we need to accept the obligation that instead of hatred between us, at least in the ten, we want to become close friends who help each other.

Question: What is a genuine spiritual action? How can we, by working in the ten and making efforts, invoke mutual pleasure in each other so that together we can enjoy mutual giving and thereby give to the Creator?

Answer: We cannot do this because we are born and raised in the quality of egoism. But gradually, by working on ourselves, we attain a negative attitude toward egoism and eventually acquire opposite qualities: love for others, love for the Creator, and altruism.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/9/24, Writings of Rabash “The Need for an Act from Below”

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