The Passover Holiday from Different Perspectives

232.01Question: How does the Kabbalistic explanation of our world and the Passover holiday differ from the usual comments?

Answer: There are several levels of explanation of existence, its creation, development, goals, and tasks of a person in it. For example, you can talk about the Passover holiday about:

1. The historical period of slavery of the nation in Egypt,

2. The “slavery” of man in his egoism—Egypt—Pharaoh,

3. The development of creation—desire under the influence of the Creator’s light and its absence under the influence of darkness—Egypt—Pharaoh.

You can also speak at different levels about:

1. The mechanical performance of rituals, which are commonly called commandments,

2. The psychological fulfillment of the instruction “love thy neighbor as thyself,” as a general (Klal) instruction of the Creator, which includes all other instructions, as it is said in the Torah: “Love thy neighbor is the general law of the Torah,”

3. The Kabbalistic influence of the upper light on the worlds and through them about souls that go through the stages of their spiritual development—correction.

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