Break Away from Intentions for Your Own Sake

232.03Question: Why is the place of Klipot called an empty place if there is also the upper light that animates them?

Answer: No, it is not the upper light. It is a very small dim light that supports the existence of the Klipot (the egoistic desires for oneself) until we correct them.

Rising above the Klipot is due to the fact that we do not want to use desires for our own sake, but we strive for all this to be for the sake of our friends and for the sake of the Creator.

Question: How can we make sure that this is more due to the greatness of the Creator and not to the awareness of the harm of the desire to receive?

Answer: If you think correctly, you will want to break away from your intentions for yourself and connect all your intentions to the Creator for His sake.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/26/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “After the Tzimtzum

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