Audio Version Of The Blog – 3/2/24

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What The Mind Does Not Do…

294.2Question: We see wars, suffering, and natural disasters worldwide. Is it possible to say that so far humanity has not chosen the path of Achishena (hastening)?

Answer: Yes, humanity has not chosen the path of hastening (Achishena). It should have, but it did not.

It is said, “What the mind does not do, time does.” Therefore, we must continue to try to reveal the Creator, reveal ourselves, and wish for better times.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/13/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Rewarded—I Will Hasten It”

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Cause the Revelation of the Shechina

942That is, if there is Hesed in the world, the Shechina is in the world, as well, and vice versa (Rabash, Article No. 4, “Concerning Hesed [Mercy]“).

Question: When there is no mercy in the world, why is there no Shechina?

Answer: If there is no light of Hassadim in the world, then the Shechina cannot come into the world and reveal itself. It is waiting for the light of Hassadim, the property of Hesed (mercy), to appear in the created beings.

Question: Can we attract the light of Hassadim in the ten?

Answer: Yes, in the ten we can cause the revelation of the Shechina by uniting and mutually aspiring for each other—friend to friend.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/18/24, Writings of Rabash “Concerning Hesed [Mercy]”

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Properties that Help Us Reach the Middle Line

224Question: What are the sensations I feel in the ten: love, inspiration, and fluttering of the heart?

Answer: This is what the Creator sends to you. So, in any case, thank Him and reciprocate these feelings.

Question: Fear and awe come from the greatness of the Creator and the greatness of the friends.
Do these two properties help us reach the middle line?

Answer: Fear and awe coexist in such a way that they create the right attitude toward others in us that will be the middle line where you can bestow to the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/11/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Joy with Trembling”

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Everyone Is Responsible for Others

528.02Question: In physical actions it is obvious when the repetition of a transgression becomes permissible. For example, I did not turn off my camera before, but now I do, or I did not arrive late to meetings before, but now I do. The same tendency can develop in a friend. How should a ten handle these states? Is this a common scrutiny within the ten?

Answer: Yes, it is a common scrutiny. Everyone who comes to the lesson should care about those who have not come yet. This is very important!

Every person who is late is responsible, in principle, not for themselves, but for those friends who for some reason forgot about them or did not bring them along.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/12/24, Writings of Rabash “What Is, ‘The Smell of His Garments,’ in the Work?”

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