From Fear to Trembling

249.02A man is created from the material of the desire to enjoy; therefore, he is constantly worried about whether he will be able to get pleasure. A person is concerned about this every moment of his life; a person feels some kind of deficiency and fears that he will not be able to fill it. He is like a bunny always hiding under a bush and trembling with fear.

The fear of not getting what we want lives in us all the time. This is our nature of the desire to enjoy, which is based on fear.

But when we correct ourselves, we must move from fear to trembling. This is something completely different. I am afraid that I will not be able to give to the Creator, I will not be able to draw near Him, to become like Him, to fulfill His desire. He has been guiding me and giving me exercises all my life, and I am afraid I will not feel it and will not connect with Him correctly.

Fear is anxiety about my own existence, and trembling is anxiety about whether I will give pleasure to the Creator. The main task of a person is to achieve such trembling; this is the very first commandment.

The feeling that everything comes from the Creator and there is none else besides Him is the root of the right trembling from which one already comes to wisdom, attainment, and correct fulfillment.

The source of trembling of the Creator is in Binah, and above Binah is Hochma, wisdom. And even higher is Keter, the full governance of the Creator over all reality. Therefore, it is possible to enter the GAR, the higher Sefirot Binah, Hochma, and Keter, only through Binah, which is called trembling.

There are different stages of fear. At the initial stages, a person worries about himself, about what will happen to him and what he will not have, and he is afraid of punishment. And so he goes through all the fears until he rises to true trembling when he is afraid whether he will be able to please the Creator.

And in order to come to trembling before the Creator, a person needs proper work with his friends, where is the root of all fears: Will I be able to help my friends, will I be able to feel their help for me or not? All work on spiritual development revolves around mutual guarantee.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/23/23, Writings of Baal HaSulamIntroduction to The Book of Zohar

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