Audio Version Of The Blog – 1/1/23

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“Israel Needs a Government of Tough but Equal Love” (Times of Israel)

Michael Laitman, On The Times of Israel: “Israel Needs a Government of Tough but Equal Love

Today, December 29, 2022, is the first day of a new government in Israel. The past year has been horrific for Israel: Thirty Israelis were murdered by terrorists, far more than in previous years, inflation has risen, Israel’s international status has plummeted, teachers are quitting the education system in droves and no one is replacing them, division is spreading—between religious and secular, progressives and conservatives—and this is a very partial list. Clearly, the new government will have a lot of fixing up to do.

The worst problem is that the outgoing government has given the feeling that no one is at the helm, and anyone can do whatever he or she wants. Not only has crime risen, but the audacity of criminals is beyond belief, committing crimes in broad daylight without even trying to hide their identity. The main problem, therefore, is one of governability, or rather, the lack thereof.

Accordingly, before anything else, the new government must make people realize that there is a new government in place, and it will not tolerate what the previous government tolerated. Deterrence must be elevated to much higher levels than the current one because at the moment, there isn’t any. When there is high deterrence, there are fewer crimes, less pressure on police, and as a result, better policing. If I had to sum up the new government’s task in two words, they would be law and order, and to that I might add, with a firm hand.

Yet, for all its significance, there is something that is just as important, yet totally ignored, but which the incoming government must develop: the one value that everyone avoids—national unity. In today’s Israel, everyone is busy proving that they are right and everyone else is wrong. The result is that no one is convinced, and everyone becomes more entrenched in their positions and adds hatred to their conviction. In such a state, any attempt to remedy the situation in Israel is hopeless from the get go.

The deepening division in Israeli society is not just another problem that the new government needs to tackle; it is the root cause of all the problems. Every single crisis that is currently affecting the lives of Israelis will vanish if there is a strong sense of social cohesion in Israel.

When there is mutual concern, there is no poverty. When there is cohesion, there is no division, and certainly no crime. When there are solidarity and unity, Israel’s military deterrence increases manyfold. Education will become better and more evenly dispersed when people care not only about their children’s schools but also about the Israeli education system as a whole.

When a government works to improve social cohesion and the well-being of the entire nation, rather than the current state where parties are concerned only with the sector that elected them, it is much easier to unite the people behind it. However, for this to happen, unity must be openly on the table as a top priority agenda item in the most important meetings: the ones where budgets are decided and laws are formulated.

Every nation has something called “national identity.” Israel’s must be “Love your neighbor as yourself.” This is the motto we had given to the world in antiquity, and we were commanded to live it out, to set an example. Love of others is the basis of our nation precisely because we emerged from alienation and hostility, and merited the status of a nation only once we triumphed over them. These days, when we are divided and hateful once again, we do not deserve the title, “nation.”

In conclusion, I would like to congratulate the incoming government, and stress that it must show a firm hand and establish law and order, but not in order to oppress political rivals, but in order to be able to instill education toward unity, mutual responsibility, and concern for one another.

There Is Nothing More Important Than Prayer

239There is nothing more important than prayer because our whole destiny and our whole future depends on it. To the extent that we can raise our prayer to the Creator and it enters into Him, into this system called “The Creator,” we will receive an answer to our requests.

Therefore we can’t expect that the Creator will do something for us; this is possible only if we raise our requests and prayers over and over again.

When one prays to the Creator, he should not look whether his salvation came or not, for when he looks, several litigants come to look at his actions. (The Zohar for All – “Miketz – And Saw Benjamin,” Item 209)

We must lift prayers to the Creator. The question is whether we should wait for a response or not. Maybe we shouldn’t wait so much; the main thing is to raise the request, and the Creator will already choose how to respond to it and whether to respond at all.

Therefore the main thing is to think constantly about how we raise requests to the Creator.

As for whether we receive an answer or not, we must understand that the Creator always answers, but maybe we do not fully recognize and feel His answer, and we must continue to ask Him again and again. As it is said: “I wish you prayed all day!”

In principle, during prayer we should not expect any reaction from the Creator because the Creator will undoubtedly do what is needed and our request should only rise from us.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/26/22, “Prayer – Selected Excerpts from Zohar for All

Related Material:
The Main Thing Is Prayer
Prayer Is The Main Action
A Perfect Prayer Does Not Require an Answer

Thought as Fuel for a Power Plant

200.01Scientists are struggling in search of new sources of energy. When a nuclear reaction occurs in the Sun or in a laboratory, energy is released that already existed in a latent form and it is just freed as a result of fusion. What is this energy that is hidden between people?

This is the greatest energy. In a nuclear reaction produced in a laboratory, we only split or combine material particles. While working with the energy that exists between people, we receive access to an unlimited source of energy. All this depends only on the relationship between people.

We will inevitably exhaust our ability to extract energy from inanimate, vegetative, or animate raw materials. We will have to add human desire here. This is a completely new approach, which is possible only if we have already mastered the inanimate, vegetative, and animate levels.

The energy of connection between people is unlimited because it belongs to the human level. In this way, we use the forces of nature acting between the Creator and the created beings. At the same time, we do not need to burn raw materials or split atoms. To do this, you do not need to create laboratories, you only need the thought of people who unite and think together about the way to jointly receive energy for the benefit of everyone.

The tank for producing this energy will also be only in thought. This thought, the purpose of creation, the connection of people, and mutual assistance will become an inexhaustible source of energy for us that is capable of providing all our needs.

If there is unity between us, unification in thoughts and desires, mutual help and support, and inner connection, then with our common desire we will come closer to the desire of the upper. In this form we use forces capable of maintaining such a connection between all the particles of matter, which produces energy of a higher level than all types of energy available to our imagination.

It will be the energy of the spiritual level, which appears simply from zero. This energy will give us light, heat, and it will work between us. We will be able to generate this energy with the power of thought alone.

We are talking about extracting from matter the concealed internal energy contained in it, which was placed there by the thought of creation. Then we will no longer need to build any power plants, we will receive energy without any auxiliary means, rather just in thought. It will be such energy that can be used for any purpose.

Even today we do not really understand what electricity is, we just learned how to use it. But here we are talking about the energy of a completely different level. However, the upper governance will not give us access to such super-energy until humanity corrects itself. We can come closer to it only if we want to use it only for the benefit of people.

To the extent that a person can act for the benefit of the other, for the sake of uniting people, he will receive permission to use the energy concealed inside matter. To do this, we need to short-circuit two forces on each other: the upper force of the Creator and the lower force of creation
From KabTV’s “Conversation with Journalists” 12/13/22

Related Material:
What Is A Thought?
Two Sides Of The Thought Of Creation
Where Do Our Thoughts Come From?

Equality Between Men and Women: Good or Bad?

Kabbalah & Relationships

Tips on how to build successful relationships based on the spiritual principles and understanding of our nature

A woman fulfills her role by being opposite (and not equal!) to a man.

Men’s and women’s roles have become so blurred that people are confused about what the ideal roles of men and women are supposed to be. This has affected the relationships between men and women, and has even caused people to become confused about their own identities.

As much as we desire to create simple, plain equality—according to our understanding of it, in the end it does not benefit men or women. It does not make our lives more balanced, harmonious, fair or happy—and that’s because the way we seek to create “equality” goes against the laws of nature.

Instead of learning how to arrange our lives from nature, we have been thinking that we are above nature and inventing our own rules. Yet our lives prove that we are, in fact, part of nature. Hence, we have to let nature teach us how to create perfect relationships between us and live in harmony with one another.

This is exactly what the wisdom of Kabbalah enables us to do—it reveals nature’s laws, enabling one to see the best way to act toward others, whether toward men, women, children, or the whole world. Without this knowledge, it is impossible for us to arrange our lives in a sensible way. Rather, with every passing day, we will only experience more problems and suffering.

But how did the confusion around our sex roles begin in the first place? After all, the relationship between men and women is only unbalanced among humans. In the animal world, for instance, the male always supplies the female with everything she needs. The problem with humans is that everything operates according to the ego, and not according to the duties one sex has toward the other. Precisely the ego has made our relationships and gender roles unbalanced.

So what is the balanced way for us to build our lives? It is written that a woman was created to be help against a man. That is to say, a woman fulfills her role and provides the help needed of her precisely by being opposite (not equal!) to a man. To be opposite to him means to help him attain the spiritual goal, and this is how they both attain it.

The Right Education

Kabbalah on Education

Kabbalah comes to the rescue to today’s education and parenting crisis

Do not tell your children what to do—make them want to do it.

 The basic principle of the right education is actually very simple: parents should not tell a child what to do, but only how to do it, if the child asks.

And what happens until then? Parents should use their ingenuity to find alternative ways to awaken in a child the desire to do what needs to be done. This way, the desire for it will be child’s own. This is the right education.

It is written that we should “educate the youth according to his way.” This means that not only parents but a child as well should clearly see where he is going, and he should want it. Then he will accept education, he will demand it.

Parents who pressure their children, who try to forcefully teach them certain information or habits, raise a broken generation.

The wisdom of Kabbalah, on the other hand, is against any kind of violence or pressure. “There is no coercion in spirituality.” No coercion means that everything exists and is done only out of one’s own will. What parents have to do is to awaken that will.

Our problem is that no one is doing that and the whole education system is wrong. Hence our task is to help parents understand this principle of Kabbalists – everything stems from a person’s free will and all we have to do is to help its free development.

How to Stop Hating the Enemy

963.1In the News (CBS News): “A man who spent more than 38 years behind bars for a 1983 murder and two attempted murders has been released from a California prison after long-untested DNA evidence pointed to a different person… .

“The conviction of Maurice Hastings, 69, and a life sentence were vacated… .

“‘I prayed for many years that this day would come,’ Hastings said at a news conference Friday, adding: ‘I am not pointing fingers; I am not standing up here a bitter man, but I just want to enjoy my life now while I have it.'”

Question: First, respect and praise to him that he comes out of prison like this. Secondly, it is unclear how this is possible; a person’s life was practically destroyed, he was erased. He is 69 years old, and yet he has neither evil nor revenge. How can it be?

Answer: He has already been through it all. He has been in prison since he was 30. He is burned out. He understands that it is impossible to claim any compensation here for these years. Now he is 69 years old. That is, he still has, probably, 10 – 15 years to have the life he wants and to enjoy.

Question: Does a person need to spend 38 years somewhere in such a way and suffer in order to overcome himself like this and not hate another, his enemy, and not want death or some bad fate for him?

Answer: Yes, probably, in order to stop judging everyone.

Question: Can this be done in a shorter period? Today we see that this is happening all the time.

Answer: Possibly.

Question: How can you rise above the hatred that overwhelms a person and just eats you up?

Answer: Understand that this is a fate that comes from above, and in fact, maybe you did not lose anything in this, but rather won. And maybe those who jailed you, lost.

Question: In ordinary life, we experience all these feelings of hatred, we have enemies, we have wars. How can we cope with them, how can we rise above it all?

Answer: I think that it is precisely because he was in such a state that he can justify this by saying “I do not see much use from either that life or this life. I did not lose anything either way. The main thing is that I have a mind and feelings, and I can use what is in my heart to say that I do not need anything from anyone, and life has passed the way it has passed.”

Question: How can you rise above hatred for the enemy or for another without sitting in jail for 38 years?

Answer: By accepting that he is controlled, just like you. He was controlled by the upper force, just like you. In this way, each of you has fulfilled his part according to some program.

Question: Then will I be able to hug a person I could not stand?

Answer: I think that you will be able to meet him absolutely without any anger like with a complete stranger.

Question: In what case? In the case that I accept what you say?

Answer: Yes. As with a complete stranger who was carrying out a mission. That is all.

Question: What do I need to understand?

Answer: That he did not control you, but he was controlled. One should spend less time inside oneself.

Question: Do you think there is nothing we can find inside ourselves?

Answer: Nothing! Everything comes only from above into a person, and a person “plays the tune.”
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 11/3/22

Related Material:
How Can We Justify The Injustice Of Fate?
Revenge Is a Treat for Egoism
Do Kabbalists Experience A Feeling Of Revenge?

Like a Baby in Its Mother’s Arms

583.02Question: Where is the line where you as a teacher cannot interfere and take away the student’s freedom of choice?

Answer: In our spiritual work there are always these problems where literally every minute we decide how to act correctly and what our thoughts and intentions are. I cannot interfere with this.

I see the state my students are in and sometimes I sympathize with them very much. I worry and it hurts me, just like a mother does for her son when he is seriously ill and she can do nothing to help him except to give him medicine. But in principle he must take even the most bitter pills and survive this disease.

When I brought my problems in spiritual work to Rabash and asked, “What should I do? What can I do?”, he laughed in my face because I had to solve them myself.

Question: A person tries to calm himself by coming to the teacher. Yet the teacher says, “I am sorry, I cannot say anything.” Does the teacher know how to do the right thing for the student, but does not tell him?

Answer: Of course he does. The upper degree is perfectly clothed in the lower one. Everything that exists in the lower degree is felt in the upper one without any problems. It is the upper degree that feels what is happening in the student. The teacher feels the spiritual content of the student, while the student himself does not know and does not understand what is happening to him.

Question: So are we in front of you like naked babies?

Answer: Yes, like a baby in its mother’s arms. In a spiritual sense, yes, of course.

But what can I do? This baby must develop according to its own laws. I can only minimally help him, because all the spiritual development of a person is carried out by his efforts.

I have to make sure that there are suitable conditions for this development like a mother who gives the child food and warmth, washes him, puts him to bed, etc. Everything else is up to him.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Manipulating People” 12/30/13

Related Material:
Seeing a Person’s Future
Make The Future Yourself
What Determines The Future Of A Person?

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 1/1/23

Preparation to the Lesson

[media 1] [media 2]

Zohar for All “Introduction to The Book of Zohar,” “Lock and Key” 

[media 3] [media 4]

Writings of Baal HaSulam “Introduction to The Book of Zohar

[media 5] [media 6]

Selected Highlights

[media 7] [media 8]

“2022 Was Bad, 2023 Will Be No Better” (Times of Israel)

Michael Laitman, On The Times of Israel: “2022 Was Bad, 2023 Will Be No Better

Next week begins the year 2023. When we look at 2022, there is very little to be pleased with. Above all, the war in Ukraine has disrupted the world on many levels. It has devastated one country, exhausted another, sent energy prices skyrocketing around the world, and disrupted the economy of the entire planet. Even without the war, the economy was in poor shape, and industry has not recovered from the impact of Covid, but the two blows combined were a hard hit on all of us. Additionally, abysmal international relations, extreme weather events, spreading substance abuse, and social degeneration have all contributed to a well-founded sensation that things are going downhill fast, and on a global level.

When a person is sick, the most important task, and often the biggest challenge, is to achieve a quick and clear diagnosis. Usually, once you diagnose the problem, the prognosis is clear and the possible treatment plans are easier to put together.

But for some reason, as a society, despite all the symptoms pointing to the pathogen being animosity among all parts of humanity, we keep ignoring it. Instead of looking for the cause, we insist on trying to alleviate the symptoms. Not surprisingly, the symptoms are getting worse, and the disease of animosity is spreading and intensifying. When it reaches the level where people cannot tolerate each other’s existence, World War III will break out.

When you think about it, it could have been funny if the joke were not on us. Educated grownups, in charge of the fate of humanity, are bickering like kindergarten children in a sandbox. Their teacher is trying to make them behave, to be kind and considerate, explaining that they will all benefit from being kinder to each other, but the kids are obtuse, obstinate, and mainly coldhearted.

In such a state, the teacher will have no choice but to punish the children, namely the nations, even harder in the next class, the class of 2023. China, for example, where Covid originated, has had to abandon its draconian “zero Covid” policy, and reports from there indicate that tens of millions are catching the virus each day, and hospitals are collapsing. Millions are expected to die in the next few months.

The war in Ukraine does not seem like it is going to end soon, Ukrainian energy infrastructure has been all but demolished, while Russia, the demolisher, is depleting its already worn-thin reserves through mandatory drafting. As a result, hundreds of thousands of Russians have fled the country in an effort to dodge being sent as cannon fodder to Ukraine.

The economy, too, does not seem to be recovering, and we can expect 2023 to be a tough year on that end, too.

And perhaps as a prelude, North America spent Christmas fighting a combination of freezing temperatures, gale force winds, and heavy snow, causing millions to spend the holiday without power, heat, or a way to escape. The death toll of this “bomb cyclone,” as meteorologists refer to it, is as yet unknown, but it is already known that dozens of people simply froze to death in stranded cars, while national guards are going door to door in many cities looking for casualties who died of hypothermia in their own homes.

Since we are not learning, I think that just as teachers do with obnoxious and rebellious children, the first thing we need to do in order to begin to remedy the situation is silence everyone, and tie everyone’s hands so they cannot keep fighting. I am not saying this is easy, and I am not sure who should or can do this, but if we want to be able to reason with each other, then any country that behaves like a bully should be disconnected from the family of nations, clear and simple. Only fear will force countries to think twice before they initiate aggression.

At the same time, we should continue to propagate the message that only if we work together will we improve our situation. We should show, however we can, that aggression does not pay.

Lastly, we should try to show, as much as we can, the benefits of cooperation. At the very least, people need to have an alternative to aggression in mind. Perhaps if people suffer long enough, their minds will open to other modes of action besides brute force, and to other paradigms besides “survival of the fittest.”

I am not optimistic; I do not feel that humanity is ready to listen, but as long as we are able, it is our duty to insist that there are alternatives to war and hatred, alternatives that benefit everyone rather than inflict anguish and destruction on humanity.