Questions about Truth

522.03Question: What is the difference between truth and justice?

Answer: These are different spiritual categories. Justice is that we weigh one thing against the other.

And truth is something that we do not weigh, but understand that it is true in itself.

Question: When you discover a not-very-pleasant truth about yourself, it is tough to strive for it. I want to run away. How do I go through it?

Answer: Accept that rapprochement with the Creator is more important than your feeling in this state.

Question: Why do we need to ask for justice and not mercy?

Answer: Justice is equal for everyone. And mercy means that you have some special feelings for someone or something.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/2/24, Writings of Rabash “Justice, Justice You Shall Pursue”

Related Material:
Mercy, Justice, And Peace
Mercy Is Contact with the Creator
Truth and Verity

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