The Importance of the Ten

945And the man asked him, saying, ‘What are you seeking?’ And he said, ‘I seek my brothers… (Rabash, Article No. 3, (1984) “Love of Friends – 1”)

“I seek my brothers” is the beginning of working in a group. It is when a person tries to unite with his friends in the ten because there is no advancement without it. Therefore, first of all, we must work in a group: group study, mutual help, and mutual interconnection of every person with all the others.

The ten is the most important thing. A larger number is bad because we are made so that we cannot feel more than ten. And you do not need less than ten either. Ten is the optimal number.

Everyone needs to really understand the ten he is in, what he should do for it, what it should do for him, and how they interconnect. Depending on the common bond between a person and his ten, he will begin to attain the Creator. This is our main goal.

We have no other goal but to reveal the Creator. At the same time, we will begin to understand, attain, and feel everything. This is why the ten’s gatherings, the closeness we reach in it, the feeling of mutual belonging, and mutual assistance are very important.

Often people push themselves away from this considering it not so important. Therefore, I advise you to listen to my words, all Kabbalistic sources speak of it.

At first tens work on themselves, organize within themselves, and then form a larger group, and so on. Without this closeness, we will not achieve high spiritual goals. This is the law of the spiritual world.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/5/24, Writings of Rabash “Love of Friends – 1”

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