The Ten Is an Instrument in the Hands of the Creator

934Question: At what stage of spiritual development does a person attain the first ten Sefirot?

Answer: Ten Sefirot gradually open up to him to the extent that he wants to be with his friends and direct all his desires and thoughts to the Creator.

Question: Can we ask to have light all the time in the ten, and when we are filled with it, then we will build a screen?

Answer: No, you do not determine this. You are only asking for correction in order to be closer to your friends and help them to be filled with light.

You should strive to be good instruments in the hands of the Creator, that is, to wish that the Creator fills the whole world with goodness through you.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/26/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “After the Tzimtzum”

Related Material:
The Ten—A System Of Ten Sefirot
A Whole Group Of Ten
The Ten —The Only Love

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