Audio Version Of The Blog – 4/25/24

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What Kind of Prayer?

294.3Question: How can we influence all people from within ourselves without going out to the people?

Answer: We can achieve this only if we can raise our prayer to the Creator.

Question: What kind of prayer?

Answer: That is what we need to figure out so that our prayer is so unified that it can ascend to the Creator. In this way, we implore Him to fulfill our desire.

What do we turn to the Creator with? To reveal among us what we need. And this is not just a matter of words, but it is an urgent need.
From  the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/14/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Freedom”

Related Material:
For the Unification of the People of Israel
The Power Of The Common Prayer
Everything Is Obtained By The Power Of Prayer

The Essence of Passover

749.01Question: What is the true deficiency (Hisaron) born in the struggle of exile and redemption that leads to true prayer?

Answer: The true Hisaron, or deficiency, arises in a person through the process of studying what exile is, why we ended up there, and how to escape from it.

This is the essence of Passover. Passover, from the word Pesach (Pe-Sach), means a transition from one state to another, from a state of exile to a state of redemption from egoism.

Passover night symbolizes the feeling of being exiled into egoism.

Therefore, for hundreds of years until the final correction (Gmar Tikkun), the exodus from Egypt represents the final night of Passover, when we finally exit egoism and become free people.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/14/24, Writings of Rabash “Concerning the Exodus from Egypt”

Related Material:
The Uniqueness Of Passover Is The Light Of Faith
Pesach Is the Beginning of the Spiritual Path
Passover—The Holiday Of The Beginning Of Correction

The Measure of Correcting Egoism

530Question: How can you understand the extent of your evil and ask for the measure of its correction; how can you get out of this state?

Answer: To the extent that we can reveal egoism in ourselves, we can ask the Creator to correct it. Otherwise, it will be a request for something empty.

Therefore, we must work on ourselves, our desires, and our relationship with our friends to feel how much we are at the mercy of egoism. And then ask the Creator to take us out from under the power of the ego. That is called the way out of the Egyptian exile.

Question: Is there a point of no return to the ego? I do not want to return to egoism again.

Answer: There is no point of no return. Together, we must ask the Creator for one thing: to rise from egoism to Him. It is only through our prayers that He will give us more strength so we can resist our ego.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/8/24, Writings of Rabash “The Time of Redemption”

Related Material:
Signs Of The Beginning Of The Correction
This Is How You Become A Human
The Connection Of Big Egoists

Something to Think About

546.01Question: How does the feeling of exile arise in a person?

Answer: As a person desires to exit egoism, to distance from it, the feeling of being in exile is born within him.

It turns out that one is in egoism and hates it at the same time.

Question: Pharaoh rules over us through egoistic pleasures, and it seems that we cannot enter holiness until we rid ourselves of them. Is that correct?

Answer: No, do not think about it. We just should not be slaves to pleasures. This is something to think about.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/9/24, Writings of Rabash “The Need for an Act from Below”

Related Material:
Exile Is A Spiritual Degree
The Exile Is The Creator’s Doing
The Whole World Is In Exile, The Entire Earth Is Egypt

What Does It Take To Get out of Egypt?

212Question: If I am aware of my egoism and lowliness and want to connect with my friends, is this enough to get out of Egypt?

Answer: No, you must feel that you are in Egypt, in egoism, and cannot break free from it.

Question: What should you do when you find yourself in selfish pleasure and realize you have no aversion to it?

Answer: You need to keep working. You already have an awareness of being in egoism, but have no aversion to it yet. Recognition of evil is when you feel you are in it, but you still agree to it.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/9/24, Writings of Rabash “The Need for an Act from Below”

Related Material:
The Exodus From Egypt, Then And Now
Getting Out of Your “Egypt”
Unite To Exit Egypt

Feeling like You Are in Egypt

49.01Question: When the sons of Israel felt a great emptiness, they cried out to the Creator. This cry came out of them automatically. What was their freedom of choice?

Answer: They had freedom of choice before when they were in Egypt. Now, the Creator has gathered them and pulled them to Him. Therefore, they are under the full power of the Creator.

We must understand that we do not yet feel like we are in the desert. We do not feel that we have nothing to eat. Therefore, we cannot cry out to the Creator asking where the food we ate in Egypt is. We do not yet feel Egypt.

Question: What is the difference between Israel and the nations of the world? Is it that the people of the world in this situation would not turn to the Creator?

Answer: No, the nations of the world are those who do not feel related to the Creator at all.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/12/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “And It Came to Pass in the Course of Those Many Days”

Related Material:
The Exodus From Egypt, Then And Now
Getting Out of Your “Egypt”
Unite To Exit Egypt

The Speed of Coming Out of Exile

749.02Question: How can the entire world group come out of exile correctly?

Answer: According to your desire, to the extent that you unite with your friends and together want to eliminate the force of evil, the Pharaoh, who always draws you back to Egypt, to your egoism, to the desire to receive, to that extent you can gradually, over some time, reach a state where the force of the Pharaoh disappears.

Question: Does staying in exile necessarily have to be a prolonged process? Can we make it fast or even instantaneous?

Answer: One cannot predict how quickly or slowly the exit from the egoistic state will be. It depends on your reaction.

Everything that happens to us is done by the Creator. You must react and work together on your response to the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/3/24, Writings of Rabash “The Meaning of Exile”

Related Material:
The Entire World Will Come Out Of Exile
On The Verge of Coming Out Of the Last Exile
Your Own Passover Haggadah

The Task of a Lifetime

627.1Question: How can spouses come to the feeling that they constitute a single entity?

Answer: This task is given to them for their entire lives. They must achieve such unity between themselves that appears as perfection; i.e., they should realize that they are a single whole that cannot be divided. Then, in this unity, they will reveal the Creator.

Comment: There are situations where the sense of unity seems to appear, but then it disappears. It does not come once and for all; there must be constant returns to it because a man and a woman are two opposite substances.

My Response: Yes by their nature they are opposites of each other. These are two completely different egoists who have not received the right upbringing or intention to come together.

But they somehow find each other and decide that they can be together as one entity. Internally, in their thoughts, feelings, and intentions, they must strive toward each other.
From KabTV’s “Man and Woman” 3/19/24

Related Material:
Correct Family Relations
Be Responsible for Each Other
A Spiritual Family

Effort Is Work toward Unity

938.02Question: Where should we focus our efforts to avoid wasting energy on trivial matters? What should we increase our efforts in?

Answer: You should strengthen your actions in uniting with your friends so that everyone is in the same desire, the same intention, and all increasingly strive toward the one Creator.

Effort is the work of coming closer together toward a common center directed at the Creator.

Pay attention to feeling that your friends in the group are very close to you, as if you constantly want to embrace them, and gradually you will begin to feel each other without words.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/27/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “His Divorce and His Hand Come as One”

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Qualitative Unification Efforts
Efforts Are the Reward
Reward and Punishment from the Kabbalah Point of View