What Does It Take To Get out of Egypt?

212Question: If I am aware of my egoism and lowliness and want to connect with my friends, is this enough to get out of Egypt?

Answer: No, you must feel that you are in Egypt, in egoism, and cannot break free from it.

Question: What should you do when you find yourself in selfish pleasure and realize you have no aversion to it?

Answer: You need to keep working. You already have an awareness of being in egoism, but have no aversion to it yet. Recognition of evil is when you feel you are in it, but you still agree to it.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/9/24, Writings of Rabash “The Need for an Act from Below”

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The Exodus From Egypt, Then And Now
Getting Out of Your “Egypt”
Unite To Exit Egypt

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