Amicable Exit from Egypt

749.02Question: How can we imagine that our ten left Egypt? What is this state? Are there any external signs?

Answer: There cannot be any external signs. It is inner work.

Leaving Egypt means uniting with each other, and with the entire world group and a huge number of people as much as possible. We cannot even imagine how many of us there are: hundreds of thousands.

We must consider how to support all our friends so they do not fall and become disappointed with their chosen path. It is essential now, because the closer we are to the goal, the more difficult it is for us to take every step.

Question: Do individual people come out of Egypt first, and then the whole ten, or the whole ten at once?

Answer: The whole ten. Not just the whole ten, but the entire world, Kli, everyone who belongs and connects to our path.

Question: Some of our ten attend the lessons daily and some do not. Will we be able to leave Egypt only when everyone understands the added importance of lessons and our purpose?

Answer: Yes, it will be so. The importance of the goal, the realization, the sensation, and the desire for greater connection with each other will constantly grow until practically the whole world joins us.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/21/24, Writings of Rabash “When Pharaoh Sent the People”

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