Something to Think About

546.01Question: How does the feeling of exile arise in a person?

Answer: As a person desires to exit egoism, to distance from it, the feeling of being in exile is born within him.

It turns out that one is in egoism and hates it at the same time.

Question: Pharaoh rules over us through egoistic pleasures, and it seems that we cannot enter holiness until we rid ourselves of them. Is that correct?

Answer: No, do not think about it. We just should not be slaves to pleasures. This is something to think about.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/9/24, Writings of Rabash “The Need for an Act from Below”

Related Material:
Exile Is A Spiritual Degree
The Exile Is The Creator’s Doing
The Whole World Is In Exile, The Entire Earth Is Egypt

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