The Measure of Correcting Egoism

530Question: How can you understand the extent of your evil and ask for the measure of its correction; how can you get out of this state?

Answer: To the extent that we can reveal egoism in ourselves, we can ask the Creator to correct it. Otherwise, it will be a request for something empty.

Therefore, we must work on ourselves, our desires, and our relationship with our friends to feel how much we are at the mercy of egoism. And then ask the Creator to take us out from under the power of the ego. That is called the way out of the Egyptian exile.

Question: Is there a point of no return to the ego? I do not want to return to egoism again.

Answer: There is no point of no return. Together, we must ask the Creator for one thing: to rise from egoism to Him. It is only through our prayers that He will give us more strength so we can resist our ego.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/8/24, Writings of Rabash “The Time of Redemption”

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