Not for One’s Own Sake

608.02Question: At what point does the state of Lishma begin?

Answer: Lishma (not for oneself) is a state where a person receives such reinforcement from above that he can already aim for a connection with the Creator and only this is his goal.

Question: In which quality can we bring contentment to the Creator more through our efforts: in Lishma (for the sake of others) or in Lo Lishma (for oneself)?

Answer: In both states. We should strive to be as kind, good, and bestowing as possible in the eyes of the Creator. Then we will see how precisely our desires are fulfilled.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/14/24, Writings of Rabash “Three Prayers – 2”

Related Material:
Lishma—For the Sake of the Creator
Exile And Lo Lishma
Lo Lishma: Having Something To Correct

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