Questions about Spiritual Work—113

294.2Question: What does it mean to implement connection correctly in a world group to be as one ten?

Answer: It means trying to help everyone, coming together around a single center, gathering together, uniting, turning to the Creator, and waiting for His help.

Question: What is striving to see the Creator before me?

Answer: It means seeing the force that pulls you forward, that guides you through Egypt, exiles, and various difficulties with your friends.

Question: Does Pharaoh die naturally or is he killed by the Creator when it is time to leave Egypt?

Answer: I do not think we can witness Pharaoh’s death yet. It means the death of all egoism existing in all people on Earth. Can you imagine what we will come to then? Complete correction.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/12/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “And It Came to Pass in the Course of Those Many Days”

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