The Creator Will Unite Everyone and Everything

530Question: How can we come to a common desire to liberate ourselves from egoism if everyone is not ready? After all, it is impossible to transfer the experience that a person has gained.

Answer: It cannot be that everyone is on the same level and similar. Only the desire to become like each other will make you a ten.

In the ten there may be different people with different qualities; the Creator will unite everyone and everything.

The main thing is to start working and pray to the Creator so that He reveals Himself as much as possible and shows you your true state. From here, you will begin to advance.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/24/24, Writings of Rabash Letter 72

Related Material:
Get Out of the Quagmire of Egoism
The Priority of Internal Work
Open Your Eyes

Based on the Purpose of Creation

959Question: On one hand you say that we develop a value for the desired state, and this causes fear and suffering in the current one.

On the other hand you advised us to check what is stopping us and, on this side, to develop the fear of remaining in our current state. In which direction do you need to work more?

Answer: Try to reason not from your egoism, which is afraid of losing something, but from the perspective of how much closer you can get to the goal of creation.

All the states we go through lead us to the goal. There is nothing that is really against it.

Therefore, there is no need to think about any low states, only about high ones, and pull everyone toward them.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/26/24, Writings of Rabash “But the More They Afflicted Them”

Related Material:
The Purpose Of Creation And The Development Of Desire
The Essence of Creation
The Purpose Of Life – The Core Of All

How to Get Out of a State of Bitterness?

934That the merciful one had mercy on us and showed us our true state, which is bitter, and then we can be awarded salvation and redemption (Rabash, Letter 72)

Comment: After we left Egypt and entered the Land of Israel, we were still adapt to the people surrounding us. We did not try to escape from Egypt and preferred someone else’s work to work for the Creator.

My Response: You prefer foreign work because you stayed in Egypt.

First, you must feel you are in exile and that this buries you in the sand. Then, gradually, by helping one another, you should begin to pull yourself out of the sand, i.e., from Egypt.

Question: What does it mean that the ten agree to go without any conditions, and this is what leads them to real prayer, which the Creator will hear?

Answer: No matter what happens, the ten agree to be together and rise above your egoism together.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/24/24, Writings of Rabash Letter 72

Related Material:
Combine All the Efforts of the Ten
There Is No Light Without Friends
A Group Of Ten As A Tool For Adhesion

Assemble the Common Puzzle of Souls

264.01Question: When we talk about the shattering of Adam HaRishon‘s soul into 600 thousand souls, do we mean those souls who came out of Egypt and those who are now going to be corrected and are going to the final correction?

Answer: A constant number of souls exist in the world, which need to be corrected. They are broken into parts, corrected, and reconnected into one common part. And so it continues like a puzzle assembling itself.

Therefore, we want to be attracted to a common goal, rise, and together raise several thousand more people related to us. There are more than a few thousand, more like hundreds of thousands. We will soon see that this is what will happen.

Then by uniting more and more, we will be able to get information about our connections. So let us move forward and increasingly feel the movement toward complete correction.

We will reveal what Adam, Hava, angels (Malachim) and so on are because we will begin to reveal the entire system of governance of the universe in the highest form.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/21/24, Writings of Rabash “When Pharaoh Sent the People”

Related Material:
Puzzle “Adam HaRishon”
The Mysterious Puzzle Of The Creator
Analysis And Synthesis Of The World Soul

Receive an Answer in Faith above Reason

237The Romemut [exaltedness, sublimity] of the Creator means that one should ask the Creator for the strength to go above reason. This means that there are two interpretations to the Romemut of the Creator:

When you turn to the Creator to answer the questions arising within you, you learn the correct responses.

Question: What does it mean to receive an answer in faith above reason? The answer would be what you perceive within reason.

Answer: A person can understand the Creator’s answers only at the same, even minimal level, at which the Creator speaks to him, and this is faith above reason.

The Creator responds to their questions, meaning His excitations within them, in any form. There is no condition that He answers only in one particular way. Essentially, the answers come in the form of the upper light. Then we assimilate them in a way we can perceive them both in breadth and depth.

Question: I am doing my best to rise above myself, unite with my friends, and ask the Creator a question from this state, for example, how to act in a particular situation. What does it mean that He answers me? In what form can this be?

Answer: If you tune yourself to the Creator, you will hear His response in the form you can perceive.

Question: Does this mean I have received an answer in faith above reason?

Answer: Yes, depending on how you reveal it for yourself.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/5/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “What Is the Exaltedness of the Creator?”

Related Material:
How Can We Get the Creator’s Answer
How Can You Recognize the Answer of the Creator?
Waiting for an Answer

The Creed of Kabbalists

219.01Question: You have dedicated your life to disseminating information to the world. What is this dissemination for you?

Answer: It is the dissemination of the methodology for raising individuals and humanity to the level of their highest potential development called the Creator. My creed, my goal, is to tell the whole of humanity about this possibility and explain as simply as possible how to achieve it.

I follow the footsteps of Baal HaSulam and Rabash. The purpose of my life is to create a certain system in which this would be implemented—an international, universal system detached from religions, from everything that can limit a person.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. What will Remain after Laitman?” 1/26/12

Related Material:
When Does the Light of Correction Descend?
Connect And You Will Succeed
The Voice Of The Messiah’s Horn

Atonement for a Thought

281.01This is so because when discussing the thought, the filth of the serpent will be corrected through the offering that atones for the thought (Baal HaSulam, Letter 10).

Question: What does it mean that offering atones for the thought?

Answer: Offering is the absolute neutralization of what prevents one from taking a step forward toward the Creator.

Question: How can I avoid these thoughts?

Answer: You cannot. Whatever a person goes through, he must go through.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/23/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam Letter 10

Related Material:
How Does A Kabbalist Escape Bad Thoughts?
Where Do Evil Thoughts Come From?
Where Do Our Thoughts Come From?

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 5/21/24

Preparation to the Lesson

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1st part of the Lesson — Writings of Rabash, “The Klipa [Shell/Peel] that Precedes the Fruit”

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2nd part of the Lesson — Writings of Baal HaSulam, “Matan Torah (The Giving of the Torah)”

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Selected Highlights

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The Strong Desire not War but Peace

294.2 Inna writes:

I cannot stand being disliked; I have been this way since childhood. I always do my best to be loved: I give gifts; I do everything I’m told. And here I see how my people are disliked. I have been living here for 30 years and I feel ready to give up everything just to be loved. But on the other hand, I understand perfectly well that you can’t buy love that way. So what should I do?

Answer: Look for ways to get closer to other people.

Question: They don’t want us to be here. What kind of heart do you want to open to them? They say, “Maybe we will love you, just so you are not here.”

Answer: No, we are not talking about that. We received this from the Creator, and we cannot give in.

Question: Then what actions can we make to be loved? If you and I both have that desire, what should we do?

Answer: Show them our love, and if they do not agree, we are ready for war.

Question: What does it mean to show them love without giving in?

Answer: That we love them in our hearts. But if they do not agree to reciprocate, then we will be forced to fight.

Comment: Hamas is still nearby, here next to us. There is Hezbollah.

My Response: We can show that we want peace, we want friendship. If you are strong, you can say that.

Question: Is this the law of the East?

Answer: Yes.

Question: So, we must be strong for this?

Answer: Yes! This comes first!

Question: Do we have to show them this strength, that we are strong?

Answer: Yes, we must.

Question: Once Jabotinsky wrote an article: “The Iron Wall.” He said then that they will not back down from getting us out of here unless we create an “iron wall.” They must understand that this is impossible.

Does this enter into a state of love for us? Is this the construction of an “iron wall” that makes it impossible to throw us out of here?

Answer: Yes, that is the priority. We need to understand that, on one hand, we must come to peace with them, to mutual understanding. And on the other hand, we must always think about our security and not giving them the opportunity to capture us, conquer us, and so on.

That is the psychology of our neighbors, and there is nothing difficult to figure out here. Whoever they are, if they are our neighbors, especially our neighbors, then they are always against us.

Question: And we must show our strength?

Answer: Yes.

Question: And at the same time show that we are ready for peace, for communication, and so on?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Are these two states even possible, that you show strength and the second, that you are ready for peace?

Answer: Of course.

Question: So what is our miscalculation? We even sent them money, supplied them with gas, and more.

Answer: None of that does anything.

Question: What will?

Answer: Only strength.

Question: And what about what you always say that we must internally love our neighbor as ourselves, and so on? Where do you attribute this: to strength or to some other part?

Answer: To strength.

Question: Is that strength?

Answer: Yes.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 4/15/24

The Reason for Appealing to the Upper Force

294.4Then, when he sees that he is powerless to do anything for society, there is room for prayer to the Creator to help him and give him strength and desire to engage in love of others (Rabash, Article 17, “The Agenda of the Assembly”).

As a rule, a person does not have the strength to do something for the sake of others because it is against his nature. We are egoists, inherently focused only on ourselves. And here you must incorporate into your friends, think about them, and envision yourself merging with them.

Therefore Rabash says you must exert efforts, then you will see that you do not have the strength to get closer to them, and then you will turn to the upper force.

Question: It turns out that all this is just to appeal to the upper force?

Answer: Yes, this is important because only from there can you get help.

Question: And why is it arranged in such a way that a person cannot, through his own efforts, achieve the importance of his friends for himself?

Answer: Because we can only exert efforts in egoistic actions. But here, it means rising above egoistic forces into the realm where only altruism, bestowal, and the importance of others reign. All these qualities must develop among us and prevail.
From KabTV’s “Practical Kabbalah” 4/4/24

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Remember that Everything Comes from One Upper Force
We Need A Third Force
Full Investment of Effort