Full Investment of Effort

624.07Question: What determines the ability to do everything you can from the heart without any limitation and with hope that the Creator will respond to our maximum efforts?

Answer: This happens when you are in complete despair and you have no other choice but to turn to Him. You have already asked many times, and you have always received a little, but it was clearly not enough.

And so you pray again and again until you are completely disappointed in your abilities, and you ask as if for the last time, as if you will no longer have any opportunity to reach the Creator, to get close to Him, or to force Him to answer you. You raise your voice to the Creator so that He hears it and finally helps, and then you get an answer.

Question: Should I be sure that I did everything I could, or should I still regret that I did not make the necessary efforts?

Answer: There should be regret too.

Question: What will help us synchronize correctly in the ten in order to imagine the potential of the next degree that we want to come to, and then proceed to action?

Answer: You need to see the present state as much as possible and imagine the future state, how you give everything of yourself in the ten in order to rise to the Creator together.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/1/24, Writings of Rabash “Anyone Who Sanctifies the Seventh – 2”

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