How Can I Ask for Others

525Question: I ask the Creator for others from my inner desire. How can I annul my state and ask for the friends from their state?

Answer: To do this you need to step out of yourself, make yourself neutral, tune into the desire of the friend, be impressed by this desire, and turn to the Creator. It is as if you are asking for the friend without including your own inner desires.

Question: Is the quality of each individual’s deficiency (Hisaron) important for reaching a unified request? How can it be cultivated?

Answer: We cannot measure the deficiency of each individual and the collective integral deficiency. The only thing we can do is ask the Creator to unite us in such a way that all our vessels become one collective vessel (Kli).
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/1/24, Writings of Rabash “Anyone Who Sanctifies the Seventh – 2”

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