Strive for Unity in the Family

565.01Question: Are the spouses’ aspiration toward each other called caring?

Answer: It is everything. You should strive for unity so that every single thing in your environment, utensils, clothes, everything you have in your home, what is called “yours,” unites you.

Here, one should combine the spiritual and the material. You should be so harmonious in everything that even looking at something in the house physically unites you, and you feel it is “ours.” That is something you need to learn and painstakingly attain.

Question: How can I achieve this? Is my annulling in something putting my partner’s desires above mine?

Answer: Naturally, everything is built on the annulment of oneself relative to the other. And this should be constant.

Each one yields to the other, but in doing so, they do not diminish themselves; instead they offer the partner to occupy a more advantageous state and take a step toward them. That is, each acts in a way that the other has a chance to come and turn to them.

Question: But is this not at the expense of the one who yielded?

Answer: No, we are not discussing this from the point of the ego, but are talking about how to get closer.
From KabTV’s “Man and Woman” 3/19/24

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