Common and Individual Sufferings

963.4Question: Throughout history there have been and still are people who engage in spiritual correction. Why does this still not free them from suffering?

Answer: The point is that there are private sufferings and common sufferings. A person engaged in correction frees oneself from private suffering. But one cannot be freed from common sufferings since they come from above to the entire group of people, to the whole nation. Hardly anyone can be happy when misfortunes spread throughout the world.

Question: So if a person follows the path of Torah, i.e., achieves closeness with the Creator through closeness with other people, is he freed from individual sufferings?

Answer: Yes, there is no reason for nature to torment him. But since he is one with all of humanity, and suffering descends upon the entire world, he suffers along with it.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual states” 3/14/24

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