The Spiritual Work of Couples

627.1Question: My husband and I both study using our method. How can we reach concessions if we are both very hot-tempered?

Answer: Start competing with each other to see who will concede more to the other.

Question: If I get married, I am afraid that the Creator will lose His importance to me and fade into the background. Can love for another person interfere with the spiritual path?

Answer: No. True love for the Creator never interferes with the love for a person.

Question: I have been studying for 12 years, but my husband does not study Kabbalah. However I see how, during this period, his approach to Kabbalah changed from absolute hatred to a high reverent attitude toward you and the methodology. At first, I felt only one-sided fulfillment, not in a mutual connection, but from the moment he began to be imbued with the ideas of Kabbalah, a new mutual connection appeared between us. What is this transition from one-way fulfillment to mutual connection?

Answer: A new Kli has appeared from the two of you, and you feel it. But this is just the beginning, then you will feel much more.

Question: How can I be sure that my chosen one is the woman with whom I will serve the Creator together?

Answer: You must feel this, according to the goal you must reach. First, your chosen one should aim toward the same spiritual goal.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/19/23, Writings of Rabash “Discernments in States“

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