Audio Version Of The Blog – 12/26/23

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With Good to Everyone

599.01Question: When I am in a group, everything is fine. I feel a state of sublimity, gratitude, love, and the presence of the Creator. But outside the group, in the surrounding world, everything is completely different. What is this condition?

Answer: This is how it should be in the world around us.

Comment: I feel that I am becoming angry, unresponsive to others, closed, and constrained.

My Response: At first this is the correct state. But you need to understand that this is the way this world is, and you are being shown its real quality. Yet, you still have to show your good attitude not only to your friends in the group, but also to everyone around you.

Question: Should this relationship be mutual or only the way the Creator wants them to be?

Answer: It must be good.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/11/23, Writings of Rabash “The Meaning of Sins Becoming as Merits”

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Treat the World with Understanding and Love
The Main Thing Is Good Relations
The Highest Value Of Connection

Experience Feelings Behind the Mechanics

209Question: In our group, everyone is very involved in the study of Pticha (Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah). But I personally do not feel it because this is the study of mechanics; I want some feelings and strengthening of the connection. If I have an aversion to Pticha, is it a state of descent or is it just not suitable for me?

Answer: Slowly return to Pticha and you will see that one day it will capture you and begin to reveal to you such things that you would like to listen to.

The fact that it is repelling you now does not matter. Try to experience the feelings behind these mechanics, and then it will capture you.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/13/23, Writings of Rabash “Greeks Have Gathered Around Me”

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Why Study Pticha?
Both Feelings And Mechanics
What Is the Upper Light?

The State of Shabbat in Spiritual Work

237Question: What is Shabbat in our inner work at each degree?

Answer: The Sabbath (Shabbat) is a spiritual state when we rise above all our egoistic actions and intentions and reach a completely different level of relations with each other. Therefore, Shabbat is considered a day of rest from work, since we are no longer connected with egoism, but rise above it.

On Shabbat our spiritual work is completed by the Creator, from whom we receive the force of bestowal and love.

Question: What do we do on the Sabbath by ourselves?

Answer: We only ask the Creator to help us to be in bestowal and love. The state of Shabbat does not cancel our inner work. We must be careful not to fall from this level.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/12/23, Writings of Rabash “Letter No. 44”

Related Material:
Spiritual Sabbath
The Wholeness Of Sabbath
Eternal Sabbath

What Is the Truth?

294.3Question: What is more important in our work, truth or love, and what is the difference between them?

Answer: We must discover the truth and start loving it because it is the only thing that exists in nature and we need to connect with it.

Question: What should I do if I do not see this truth in the friends?

Answer: You have to correct yourself, them, and the connection between you until you get a general feeling that you exist in the truth.

Question: Do we need to do this through truth or through love?

Answer: Love draws you closer to each other, and establishing the correct relationship is the truth.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/12/23, Writings of Rabash “Letter No. 44”

Related Material:
Truth Is Love
Absolute and Relative Truth
Where Is The Truth?

The Power of the World Group

938.04Question: When our international group gathers together, do you somehow feel its common desire differently?

Answer: Yes. It is stronger and broader. It comes with greater necessity. It is more vivid and explicit.

People come from all corners of the world with very serious intentions, very serious desires. Their presence here strongly influences everyone. In essence, they evoke the primary desire that I work on.

These periods when all groups come together for congresses are the most powerful. And then, when we collectively enter the sensation of the upper world, meaning, we create above us a spiritual sensor with our common desires, we practically don’t even need to communicate with each other.

I remember traveling with Rabash to several Kabbalists he communicated with, and I would ask him, “So, did he reveal himself?” Rabash would reply, “No, he didn’t want to reveal himself. Although we talked to him, he internally closed himself off so much that I can’t say anything about him.”

Such a thing exists among Kabbalists. We have yet to come to that. The stages, the development, we are going through, have had no analogues in the world. And today, the whole world is returning to the perception of eternity and perfection, as we were at the beginning of our origin.

Therefore, to say that everything happening in the world now is analogous to what happened with Kabbalists throughout history, we cannot. Today, a completely new system is emerging—a true one! The Kabbalists of the past prepared everything for us.
From KabTV’s “I got a call. The Power of the World Group” 12/2/11

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The Secret Of Kabbalah Conventions
A Sign of the Last Generation
Solitude Or Congress?

Against Egoistic Thoughts

507.05Question: What kind of effort is it in our work when faith constantly protects us from the entry of strangers into holiness?

Answer: This effort is aimed at preventing egoistic thoughts from interfering with us. We must protect ourselves from egoistic attitudes toward each other.

If everyone in the ten pays attention to this, then you will succeed.

Question: So we can assume that in the end this effort will benefit us?

Answer: This will be of benefit only when you selflessly love others and do not pay attention to whether they love you.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/12/23, Writings of Rabash Letter No. 44

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Refocusing The Work In The Group Of Ten
The Effort Is The Pleasure
We Are Rewarded According To Our Efforts

How the Soul Moves from Body to Body

213Although we see the bodies changing from generation to generation, this is only the case with the bodies. But the souls, which are the essence of the body’s self, do not vanish, to be replaced, but move from body to body, from generation to generation.

Thus, in our world, there are no new souls. And the fact that in the meantime, each has changed his body several thousand times is completely irrelevant because the essence of the body’s self, called “the soul,” did not suffer at all by these changes (Baal HaSulam, “The Peace”).

Comment: Arsen writes: “I was told about my past reincarnations. Not that I believed it, but then I read from your favorite Kabbalist Baal HaSulam and realized that I could be the Pharaoh himself. Please explain what is written about the reincarnation of souls. What kind of soul are we talking about here? What is my soul, which turns out to be immortal if it travels from body to body?”

My Response: There is an animalistic soul. And there is no longer a physical soul, but a spiritual one. But in principle, the reincarnation that we see is not the soul; it is an animalistic body, animalistic forces, that when a person dies, returns, and is born again.

There is nothing here. The most important thing that happens to us is the reincarnation of the spiritual soul. It goes through all kinds of changes until it is ready to attain the Creator.

Comment: That is, all the movement of this spiritual soul from body to body, the change of bodies…

My Response: It is not spiritual. The spiritual soul is the level of attainment of the Creator that a person reached in his previous life.

Question: So does his soul move until he reaches this level?

Answer: After that it still moves many times until it comes to its full correction.

Question: Then is this not about this body?

Answer: No, we are not talking about this body at all.

Question: What is it about? What kind of body is meant here when he says moving from body to body?

Answer: From body to body is only about the spiritual component.

Question: Is the body like a spiritual component? So is this, as we say, a desire?

Answer: Yes. Nothing happens with this body, with our flesh. It is the same as with an animal.

Question: What should my desire come to?

Answer: To the desire for complete adhesion with the Creator. This is the main goal.

Question: Is it about how desire changes all the time? Is this the reincarnation of souls?

Answer: Yes.

Comment: Arsen asks: “What does it mean that the same soul moves through time, and dresses in different bodies?”

My Response: This is what it means. A person’s desire to connect with the Creator, gradually, from generation to generation, dresses in various animalistic forms until a person attains a state where he will be similar to the Creator.

Question: Should my desire change and purify in such a way that I want the Creator?

Answer: Yes.

Question: What do you mean by the desire to come closer to the Creator?

Answer: To be bestowing, loving, and connected with others in my qualities, like the Creator.

Comment: Then he has a question: “It turns out that the body is worthless, but we are always afraid that we will die. But here it is written at the end that the soul, the essence of the body, does not suffer from these changes. The body suffers, but the soul does not.”

My Response: Yes. The body dies, rots, and so on, but the soul does not. This is the eternal essence of a person, which yearns for the Creator. It must constantly come closer to the Creator from life to life, from generation to generation.

Question: Why are we so afraid of death? The fear of death drives a person.

Answer: This is because we know what we are losing. A person parts with his body. As long as he holds onto it, he is afraid.

Question: Can I not hold on to it?

Answer: It depends on the person.

Comment: Question: “There is no great joy in returning to this world all the time. How can one not return?”

My Response: To do this, you need to reach your correction. We stay in this world only to rise from degree to degree in our equivalence with the Creator. Then you no longer hold on to your body and do not want anything else at all, except to be attached to the Creator and that is it.

Question: Does the soul then no longer return to this world?

Answer: No.

Question: Where is it then?

Answer: Nowhere. Where is it now? You can say that it is some kind of life-giving force that fills our body because now we still perceive it that way. But in general, this has nothing to do with the body.

Question: Where is the place of the soul, can you tell? Is it not within me?

Answer: There is no place.

Question: There is no place. I need to think about this answer. There is no place at all.

Arsen writes: “I wonder, if I associate myself not with the body, but with the soul, does it then turn out that I can travel in time? The soul, after all, was the same all the time. That is, I can meet myself who lived 3,000 years ago. Can I say that?”

Answer: No, you cannot say that. All this is not simple. We should not tie corporeality to spirituality.

Comment: But you understand that this question is very interesting to people. We cannot escape it.
Another question: “My wife and I feel that we are halves of the same soul. Is that possible?”

My Response: Yes, it is possible. If you really lived your previous life happily, then it is quite possible that next time you will already be in a greater connection with each other, and maybe you will even be one soul.

Comment: This is beautiful! Arsen asks the question: “How can one learn to be with the soul and not with the body?”

My Response: Aim for adhesion with the Creator. This is all.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 11/6/23

Related Material:
Reincarnation Of The Soul
What Is Reincarnation?
Life With The Second, Third, And Tenth Attempt

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 12/26/23

Preparation to the Lesson

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1st part of the Lesson — Writings of Rabash, “What Are the Four Qualities of Those Who Go to the Seminary, in the Work?”

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2nd part of the Lesson — Writings of Baal HaSulam, “Study of the Ten Sefirot,” Vol. 6, Part 16, Item 68”

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Selected Highlights

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