Questions about Spiritual Work—117

258Question: What is the purpose of working on the intention during the lesson?

Answer: You want to reveal the Creator, cling to Him through your ten, and ask Him, along with the ten, to help you rise above your egoism, above your Egypt. This is your current job.

Question: How do the questions and answers of the world Kli help us in spiritual advancement?

Answer: They connect you more with each other and with the Creator.

Question: When you feel that you are completely in the pit of your ego and cannot pray for your friends, then should you ask the Creator to give you such an opportunity?

Answer: Yes, at least you have the opportunity to annul yourself in front of the ten and cling to it. And then you will sail with them wherever they go.

Question: How can we help lead our friends to prayer and request, especially those who cannot do it?

Answer: Try your best to involve them in your common intention so all of you will connect.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/19/24, Writings of Rabash “A Real Prayer Is over a Real Deficiency”

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