The Sign of a Correct Intention

219.01Implementing unity to the extent desired by the Creator means achieving unity without any limitations.

And in order to feel what He wants from us, we must ask Him, bother Him, and request from Him. And then we will understand the connection with Him and will develop in this connection.

Question: Since we are constantly striving to unite and our external actions always seem the same, how can we check our intention to bestow?

Answer: Look not at the actions, but at the intention. That is all you need to check: for what, for whom, in the name of what?

A sign of a correct intention is that it is directed toward the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/18/24, Writings of Rabash “And he said, ‘When You Deliver the Hebrew Women’”

Related Material:
Set the Intention
Work with the Intention “For the Sake of Bestowal”
Intention Is Action

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