Intention Is Action

Intention Is ActionWe are capable of only one action – intention. There are no others. All of our physical actions are nonexistent, and so are our desires. Everything other than intention is inanimate, dead or halted – there is no motion in the spiritual, regardless of the fact that we perceive dynamic physical activity.

In summary:
1. The actions of our world (of inanimate, vegetative and animate nature);
2. The actions of a regular person in our world;
3. The actions of a religious person in his commandments and rituals;
4. The actions of a Kabbalah student;
– none of these are spiritual actions; they don’t exist in the Upper World.

5. The actions of a Kabbalah student
– are justified as preparation for spiritual actions.

Only our intentions of selfless bestowal are perceived in the spiritual world. When they appear in us, we appear in the spiritual world; when they disappear, we disappear from the spiritual world.
I compare this to acceleration – a derivative of motion. Like Einstein said, consider uniform motion as a state of rest, and see only acceleration.

My Current Mood: Thoughtful thoughtful


  1. Hi,

    I’m  following kabbalah broadcasting in my pc since few days ago, if someone changes his intention toward love others the himself throught the methode of kabbalah while he’s  alive and then what will happen to his soul when he died?

    – According to kabbalah wisdom what do you think about this Man of Jesus- Christ? and lastly I need to study kabbalah but where I’m in Norway there isn’t akabbalah center or study groupe, what will you suggest to me and what can I do to have kabbalah books?

    Much light


  2. Hello MBO

    We have a small group in Norway, so if you are still interested please contact us:

    All the best


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