Once upon a Time Light and Darkness Met

595.06Question: Light and Darkness met. “What do people find in you?”—exclaimed Darkness in surprise. “Neither beauty nor mystery—you just hurt one’s eyes!”

Light did not answer. It just politely stepped aside and silently illuminated the road because Darkness was heading toward an abyss without even seeing it.

Today everyone has the feeling that we are approaching an abyss and there is no one to light the way. What can light the way?

Answer: Mutual assistance and compassion. Only that.

Question: So if we manage to approach each other, we will be able to see that we are approaching the abyss?

Answer: Yes.

Question: In this parable, Light did not say anything to Darkness, it simply stepped aside and illuminated the path. It illuminated the path anyway. Why does light shines on everyone: criminals, haters, simply everyone!

Answer: This is its property, to shine on everyone.

Question: It seems to say: “Move away, you are interfering with me.” And Light moved aside and continued to shine. This is some kind of annulment. That is, someone sees this light, and someone does not. How can one see it? How can one feel that it is light?

Answer: This is the light of bestowal, the light of compassion, the light of rapprochement. This is the meaning of light.

Question: That is, light as such, as something extraneous, does not exist?

Answer: No, these are not photons that illuminate our retina.

Question: And not the light that is spoken about in spiritual practices, but namely the rapprochement between us?

Answer: Yes, it provides the condition where light spreads from itself and further on in all directions. And if this connection does not exist, then light cannot unite and conduct itself through all the matter.

Question: Suppose, people connect, do they begin to shine for everyone?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Or is this abyss visible only to them now?

Answer: No, this cannot happen. It shines for all.

Comment: That is, connection of even a handful of people brings light for everyone.

My Response: Yes. Initially they should realize what they connect for if they get connected. There must be an intention in advance to achieve light for everyone.

Question: Why should people connect?

Answer: To shine for everyone.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 3/25/24

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About Light And Darkness
When Darkness And Light Become One
Living On The Borderline Between Light And Darkness

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