Set the Intention

525Question: What is intention?

Answer: Intention helps you engage with me so that I can influence you more.

And if you bring me a gift, you will get more from me, not because I owe it to you, but because you will demand more from me! Then you will hear me more, feel me to be more obliged, and absorb more from me.

We are in a world where we can start interacting, literally from very primitive, simple egoistic relations, and even below egoistic, the most mundane. They will influence our spiritual relations with each other, the beginning of the spiritual perception.

Our world is wondrously created as a prerequisite for spiritual ascent; it is where you can begin developing completely from scratch without relating to the next world in any way!

Question: Within a Kabbalistic text, what does your intention mean, and how does it work?

Answer: I live in it, and you are in connection with me; therefore, it is all transmitted to you.

I make no intentions in regard to you; I just absorb the text. I am at the particular level this text writes about, and you, in relation to me, get a small part of it. After all, there is a need on your part to receive from me. Therefore you raise your desires to me, and I raise my desires to feel what the text says even higher, to the Kabbalist who wrote it.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How to Set an Intention?” 12/3/11

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