Why Is It Necessary to Be an Ugly Duckling First?

294.2Question: It often happens that the higher the result, the more it does not promise anything good during the stages of growth.

The sourest fruit becomes the most delicious, and you already thought of cutting down the tree. The genius was failing at school; they wanted to kick him out of school, and he became Einstein.

The beautiful swan was once an ugly duckling. We know this story. The question is why is this so? Why is it necessary to be an ugly duckling first?

Answer: It is because such is the path of development of opposites that nothing can develop in a straight path but only as it is written, “through its opposite.” That is, there is a direct phenomenon, but its opposite consequences occur before it.

We need to respect a person in any of his states because they all do not mean anything. How many such examples have we had in history when completely useless, unnecessary children grew up to be geniuses and vice-versa.

Question: Then the question is how to recognize them?

Answer: There is no way! You cannot recognize it in any way. We just need to give everyone the opportunity to develop.

Question: Where can a person get the patience from? He sees that nothing will grow out of it. Nothing will grow out of this weed. Where does one get patience?

Answer: How does he know that nothing will grow out of it?

Comment: But you say yourself that we cannot know.

My Response: This is why he has to stop himself. Because nothing is created in vain, and every object in our world has its purpose. It is not up to you to decide what it should be now, and what it should be in the future. Therefore, just stop yourself.

Question: What if we give such an opportunity? Let’s say we restrain ourselves and let everything develop.

Answer: Give everyone the opportunity to develop correctly. Let him develop in him all the qualities that the Creator embedded in him, and you will see.

Question: Thus, it turns out that I am changing—the one who wants to destroy all this. Is this my ascent above my nature?

Answer: Absolutely right.

Question: Is this the most important thing by and large?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Now the question is, is our world today like an ugly duckling? A lot of people also have this state. The Internet is full of these phrases: “May it burn down! Yes, I wish that this world would not exist! Yes, we all need to start over!” And so on. What is this ugly duckling developing into?

Answer: To the fact that we recognize evil, our evil, what we have brought the world to, and give it the opportunity to develop correctly with our new attitude to it.

Question: Is that why we see this world so corrupted?

Answer: Yes.

Question: So are you saying that I am the one who is corrupted?

Answer: Of course.

Question: Does everyone have to come to this?

Answer: I do not know about everyone. But basically such a thought and such an attitude should be dominant.

Comment: But I see that they do not come to this. Quite the opposite.

My Response: They will come to this.

Comment: You are an optimist here saying that we will come to this.

My Response: The fact that we will come to this is definite. But the question is through what kind of blows.

I think we need to understand that the world is ready for the best state. We need to think about why we do not let it be like that.

The fact that we see it so sour and bad today is the result of our attitude toward the world.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 9/21/23

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