Build an Image of the Creator

294.4Question: In your blog you wrote that with the help of the shattering, the Creator gave us the opportunity to exist and express ourselves. After all, if the parts of the common soul were not broken, we would not be able to build the image of the Creator and feel ourselves. How can we understand this?

Answer: It is precisely because we feel others (beside ourselves) that we can transition from receiving to bestowing and thus, through us, correct the entire nature.

We can correct inanimate, vegetative, animate, and human nature, and achieve mutual bestowal and unification and thus reach complete connection.

Question: How can people build an image of the Creator in their relationships?

Answer: The image of the Creator is absolute bestowal, complete love or rather, not He Himself but His powers. People can and will have to come to the properties of absolute bestowal and love.
From KabTV’s “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah” 10/10/23

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