Audio Version Of The Blog – 11/1/23

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What The Creator Tells Us

962.3Question: When a person finds himself in a difficult situation, often hopeless, he turns to the Creator. Today, many people in our country turn to the Creator. Some have already lowered their hands in helplessness, some in anger, some in a plea, prayer, and demand, meaning, the Creator turned the nation to Him today.

Our hearing is sharpened today. What do you think we should hear? What does the Creator want to tell us?

Answer: That we should unite. This is the most important thing. If we unite, then we will defeat our internal enemy and external enemy, and in general then we will win.

Comment: You separate internal and external enemy; please explain this.

My Response: The most important thing is our egoism. We must defeat it, and then we will defeat the external enemy.

Question: So, one depends on the other?

Answer: Yes.

Question: And yet, what is the Creator telling us now?

Answer: He only tells us about connection. Nothing else! He will act in accordance with our connection.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 10/16/23

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The Formula for Victory

294.2Question: Today, every mother and every father who have a son or a daughter in the army, flinches at the sound of a doorbell ringing even more than from a siren. It isn’t from a phone ringing, but a doorbell. It is clear why; they are afraid that three officers will come in and suddenly tell them that their son, their daughter, or their husband has died.

The question is in what exactly is our maximum effort to save the lives of our children, relatives, and loved ones who are now on the front line?

Answer: The answer is the same—in our unification. In our unification in all cases and under all conditions.

Comment: You say “unification.” We hear this around us too, but you add something else to it.

My Response: What I mean by this is that we must unite in such a way that the Creator wishes to create a dome over us that will protect us, and most importantly, unite us. The Creator is waiting for this.

Question: Does He expect us precisely to turn to Him or that we want to unite and then turn to Him? What is the sequence?

Answer: That we will unite and turn to Him.

Question: And why do we turn to Him when we unite? After all, we have already united.

Answer: We begin to feel the need for Him then.

Question: Why does precisely this effort to unite lead to the need for the Creator?

Answer: Because then we begin to feel this upper force that can protect us, unite us, and save us from external and internal hatred.

Question: And if we now offer this formula to everyone that our unification leads to… what? How would you put it?

Answer: Our unification leads us to protection from above. Then the Creator is with us.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 10/16/23

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We Can Resist Any Pressure

546.04Comment: So far the world supports us. So far everyone is horrified by the footage of Hamas fighters as they were attacking, showing how they were killing, and as they were taking prisoners. The world shuddered. But time is running out, we are launching an operation to destroy Hamas.

And you understand that literally after some time pressure will begin, and it will be a terrible pressure, enormous, from the whole world.

My Response: It depends on how much we will be together.

Question: If we are together, we can have an answer?

Answer: To move on and on. They wanted to throw us into the sea, we have to throw them into the sea.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 10/16/23

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Our Strategy Is The Unity Of The Nation

Mercy, Truth, Justice, And Peace

234Question: What are these attributes: mercy, truth, justice, and peace? Are these special forms of desire in a person, as in the carrier of these attributes? Where did this come from?

Answer: This came from human nature, which gradually developed these attributes in itself. They are manifested in us in this way.

Question: But we study the development of desires in the wisdom of Kabbalah, and here some attributes appear in a person. How does this relate to the nature of the person and to his development?

Answer: This is directly related to our nature. Based on it, all four attributes develop in us and oppose each other.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/25/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Peace in the World”

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Mercy, Justice, And Peace
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Who Solves Our Problems?

942Question: We are all different in the ten. Some demand to be pressured since they realize this is the way for them to advance. Others, on the contrary, say there is no coercion in spirituality. How can we properly apply this pressure in the ten? What is the correct formula?

Answer: Do not be afraid of pressure; you just need to behave correctly in the ten, as clearly as possible,  and then all problems will be solved by the Creator Himself and not by us. We only need to properly relate to the states we are in.

After all, everything that happens is done by the Creator, and we must ask Him to correct the imbalance between us, which determines all the negative events in our lives.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/14/23, “Fighting the Evil Inclination”

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Devotion to the Goal

961.2Question: The Creator has let me feel that if I have the correct envy for my teacher I can use his example and hold onto connection with my ten and through it with the Creator. How can I properly help my friends envy you in order to strengthen our mutual guarantee?

Answer: I think you should only envy my consistency in aspiring to the goal.

I was about 30 years old when I began to study with Rabash and since then I have not turned in any other direction. I have gone through many various states: descents, ascents, being further and closer, but every day I have prayed to not get further from my goal in any way. This is the main thing.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/3/23, Writing of Baal HaSulam “The Arvut (Mutual Guarantee)”

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How Can You Adhere to the Mind and Heart of the Teacher?
Trusting the Teacher
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Chosen Ones

943Question: Rabash often writes in his articles that while a person works for his own benefit, the body does not really resist.

We say that we are Israel; the Creator chose us with tweezers and brought us to the group. The realization that we are the chosen ones gives us a very powerful energy. How can I reveal that I am not working for my body?

Answer: Stick to your friends and do everything for their benefit. That is all.

The chosen ones are those who want to rise above their nature and become like the Creator. The chosen ones are those who strive for the quality of bestowal.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/17/23, Writing of Rabash “What Is an Optional War, in the Work? – 2”

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A Gift from the Creator

625.02It follows, that one’s work is needed to receive Lishma from the Creator only in the form of a lack and a Kli (Vessel). Yet, one can never attain the fulfillment alone; it is rather a gift from God (Baal HaSulam, Shamati, Article No. 5, “Lishma Is an Awakening from Above, and Why Do We Need an Awakening from Below?”).

Question: Why is my inability to reach fulfillment called a gift from the Creator?

Answer: Because you received it from Him and you do not need anything else except the desire to work for the Creator. If you have it, you can advance right up to the end of creation.

Therefore, what you have received from the Creator is priceless. This is the gift.
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah lesson 10/26/23, “Everything is Obtained By the Power of Prayer”

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The Torah Is a Gift from the Creator to a Person
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The Only Gift From The Creator

A War against What Opposes the Creator

530 Question: What does opposing a good inclination against an evil inclination mean?

Answer: Opposing a good inclination against an evil inclination means that a person disagrees with the emergence of some good or, conversely, evil inclination in him. Therefore, he wants to juxtapose one to the other. To practically do this while working in a ten, imagine that you are in an egoistic state, slightly rising above it, and want to be in a better, altruistic state. Identify what resistance or opposition you encounter in this process. This is the work that we must do. This state is referred to as a war.

Question: So, are we at war with what opposes us?

Answer: We are at war with what opposes the Creator. If a person strives to get closer to his friends and, together with them, closer to the Creator, in this way, they can start to subdue all their negative qualities and transform them into good, positive ones. The Creator will give you strength, and from your negative qualities, you will begin to acquire corrected, good ones. Who else will do this if not the Creator?
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/15/23, Writings of Rabash “What Is, “Calamity that Comes upon the Wicked Begins with the Righteous,” in the Work?”

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