The Formula for Victory

294.2Question: Today, every mother and every father who have a son or a daughter in the army, flinches at the sound of a doorbell ringing even more than from a siren. It isn’t from a phone ringing, but a doorbell. It is clear why; they are afraid that three officers will come in and suddenly tell them that their son, their daughter, or their husband has died.

The question is in what exactly is our maximum effort to save the lives of our children, relatives, and loved ones who are now on the front line?

Answer: The answer is the same—in our unification. In our unification in all cases and under all conditions.

Comment: You say “unification.” We hear this around us too, but you add something else to it.

My Response: What I mean by this is that we must unite in such a way that the Creator wishes to create a dome over us that will protect us, and most importantly, unite us. The Creator is waiting for this.

Question: Does He expect us precisely to turn to Him or that we want to unite and then turn to Him? What is the sequence?

Answer: That we will unite and turn to Him.

Question: And why do we turn to Him when we unite? After all, we have already united.

Answer: We begin to feel the need for Him then.

Question: Why does precisely this effort to unite lead to the need for the Creator?

Answer: Because then we begin to feel this upper force that can protect us, unite us, and save us from external and internal hatred.

Question: And if we now offer this formula to everyone that our unification leads to… what? How would you put it?

Answer: Our unification leads us to protection from above. Then the Creator is with us.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 10/16/23

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