Audio Version Of The Blog – 11/7/23

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We Are Together and We Are One Family

275Question: Many Kabbalistic sources say that we should become a family. On such tragic days, it suddenly feels very true. It is clear that we are not talking about family ties.

What kind of family are we talking about?

Answer: This is about making everyone feel the person standing next to them so that we all feel that we are one family, that we are together. Only in this case will we not only defeat our external enemy, but also, most importantly, our internal enemy, our egoism. And then we are not afraid of anything!

Family is when we are all as one.

Question: Explain this, please, “as one whole.” We are different families, we are different people, different characters, different views, even left and right. How is a family built out of all this? Is it possible to build a family or want to build one?

Answer: It is possible. To do this, we only need to understand that victory can only be in this case and that in general we should leave all the contradictions between us and feel like one common whole. Only in this case can we defeat our internal enemy, and the external one is no longer a problem.

Question: Once, when we called ourselves the nation at Mount Sinai, there was such a proposal: “Either you will unite now, or this will be your burial place.” Do you think it is very similar to what is happening today?

Answer: Of course!

Question: Meaning, we can say that now we have been challenged, the Creator has set such a condition. And it’s as sharp as you say. Are we connecting above everything?

Answer: Above everything, yes. And of course, we should understand it that way.

Comment: But it’s no secret that we are egoistic.

My Response: We are the most egoistic and the worst, it is what leads us to unite and we see there is no other way.

Question: The force of this blow, which we have now felt, can it lead to such a decision, to prayer?

Answer: Yes. It can.

Question: The goal is clear. What do we all need to do for this?

Answer: Everyone should forget about themselves and think about others. I have to think about all the people who are obliged to survive this state and win.

Comment: You know, when these stories are being told, which are now happening at our frontline, there are a lot of cases when people forget about themselves. They tell about a soldier who falls on a mine and saves all his friends with it. About a woman, her name is Tali, who, while terrorists are shooting around, transports 13 wounded from the frontline, goes back and forth. An elderly woman, she has six children.

My Response: This is solidarity. And only from this can victory be born.

Question: Does each of us have to exist like this?

Answer: Exactly so. Everyone, as much as he can, must give himself for victory. Victory is when we unite above our egoism and act together.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr Michael Laitman” 10/16/23

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May the Creator Gather Us into One Nation

944Question: I want to understand what I should wish for during the day, what Creator will people discover for themselves?

Answer: A Creator who can unite all people into one group, into one nation—the nation of the Creator. That is when we will be in the right state.

May the Creator gather us into one group, one nation, and teach us how to behave relative to each other and what to think and feel about each other. Otherwise, this whole picture will not end today or tomorrow and perhaps in many, many years.

We must demand from the Creator to show us the right direction in development and the proper position of any nation, all nations of the world, and how they should treat each other.
From the 1st part the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/30/23, Writings of Rabash “It Is Forbidden to Hear a Good Thing from a Bad Person“

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A Request from the Common Heart

935Question: We all have a common desire to achieve bestowal and a common opinion that we need to ask the Creator for bestowal. What are we still missing?

Answer: There is a lack of a real desire, a real aspiration, a real connection between us so that there is one desire with one aspiration. But this develops gradually.

Question: Is it possible, by means of the power of our desire, to raise a prayer so that the Creator will give us the property of bestowal?

Answer: Yes, of course. This is the only way it works: we ask, and the Creator gives; we ask and the Creator gives.

Question: If a friend in the ten suggests doing such exercises, should everyone agree?

Answer: Of course, the Kabbalist sages clearly speak about this. At the same time, our intentions are very important so that everyone delves completely into this request and is internalized as much as possible so that you all unite together and your desire is united as if coming from one heart, and so that you ask for only one thing: for your friend or for the Creator.

Question: If our friend is sick and cannot come to the lesson, can we ask for him as well?

Answer: Yes. If we really ask for a friend and pray for him, then we will add our strength, our prayers, and our requests to his request to be with us in good health. And then everything will work out.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/24/23, Writings of Rabash “The Agenda of the Assembly“

Related Material:
The Request Must Start From The Group
Attune to the Request to the Creator
Reaching The Right Request

Prayer Not for Oneself

161Question: How can I ask for the cancellation of suffering so that this request will not be for my own sake?

Answer: It depends on what you are asking for. If you are connected to the world and ask that the people on earth feel that they are suffering, since they are that way by nature, then turn to the Creator and ask Him to change you, because suffering comes for your sake as well.

You cause the suffering by your behavior, by your inner state. In accordance with this, you should ask the Creator to remove all egoism from you, and then you will be able to treat others correctly like the Creator.

In this way, you will get closer to the Creator, help Him in His work, and add your strength to His strength.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/19/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Eighteen Prayer“

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Mercy for a Friend
What And How To Ask The Creator
How Can We Ask The Creator For Anything?

The Basis of All Problems

154Question: Are physical illnesses related to spiritual illnesses, and if so, how?

Answer: On the part of the Creator, there is no difference between illnesses. Only in accordance with how far and in what form we are distant from each other, do we feel the illness.

It all follows from the distance or closeness between us, which is the root of all illnesses and cures.

Question: How can a person understand what exactly needs to be corrected with the help of the illness?

Answer: He needs to fix the connection between him and his friends; this is the basis of all problems.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/13/23, “Reinforcing Ourselves with There Is None Else Besides Him”

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Physical and Spiritual Suffering
The Path Of Light Versus The Path Of Suffering
The Spiritual Root Of Suffering

Think about the Upper Source

294.1Question: What does it mean that during Torah it is not customary to think about corrections? It would seem that this is exactly the time to think about them.

Answer: No. The Torah is the upper light, in which there is no flaw whatsoever; that is why we think only about it, about the upper light. If it affects us to some extent or entirely, then we are corrected by it.

In other words, first of all, we think about the upper source, the source of light, which is intended to fill us and correct us to the extent of our readiness.

We need to think that the upper source wants to give us reforming light, and everything depends only on our readiness to receive it. However, to receive it is not just to ask with words, but to unite, to get closer to each other, and to approach the Creator together. To that extent, we are rewarded with the light that returns to the source, and we feel that more and more qualities corresponding to the Creator’s light are manifested in us.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/24/23, Writings of Rabash “The Agenda of the Assembly“

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Why Don’t We Feel The Upper Light?
How Does The Upper Light Work?
The Oral Torah Is A Key To Penetrating Inside

Revision of Mutual Guarantee

528.01Question: Should I be responsible for a friend in the ten who is not yet ready for mutual guarantee?

Answer: No. In the ten, we reach mutual guarantee only with those who in turn can be in mutual guarantee. Therefore, it is called Arvut Hadadit, mutual guarantee.

Question: Let us say I guarantee for a friend, but the Creator shows me that he devalues it.

Answer: It means that your guarantee is worthless.

Question: Should we conduct a periodic revision of the mutual guarantee and verify what exactly we are responsible for?

Answer: Every time, in the morning, afternoon, and evening, you should check your state of aiming toward the fulfillment of the mutual guarantee; start and end a day with this.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/2/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Arvut (Mutual Guarantee)”

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Mutual Exchange Of Guarantee
Mutual Guarantee Is A Response To Nature’s Challenge
Mutual Guarantee—Support And Example Of A Group

Everything Comes from the Creator

238.01Question: How can we determine if we have a true desire for spirituality?

Answer: We can determine this only by our attitude to the group; as soon as I begin to understand that I depend on the group, then I have the correct desire.

Question: You say that we cultivate this desire (Hisaron). But isn’t it the Creator who cultivates it in us by coming closer to us and then distancing Himself from us?

Answer: Of course, everything comes from the Creator; there is none else besides Him. But we divide it into what comes from us and what comes from Him. Although in general, everything comes from Him.
From the Daily Kabbalah lesson 10/24/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Acknowledging the Desire“

Related Material:
All Desires Come From The Creator
The Purity Of Intention
Correct Intention

Prayer Is an Address to the Creator

239Question: What kind of joy comes after prayer?

Answer: Usually after prayer we feel joy because we have told the Creator about our problems, our requests, and what we want from Him, and we are waiting and confident that we will receive it. Therefore, we end our prayer in joy and depart from the Creator.

Question: Can we say that we should rejoice because there is a prayer in which we can feel each other more, connect with each other?

Answer: We must feel each other and connect with each other before the prayer. Before the prayer!

Prayer is a great power; in principle, it is the only way to address the Creator. Everything else is all kinds of praises, but prayer is a real address to the Creator. It is what you want to say to Him, what you desire from Him.
From the Daily Kabbalah lesson 10/24/23, Writings of Rabash “The Agenda of the Assembly“

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The Main Thing Is Prayer
Man’s Dialogue with the Creator
How Can You Learn to Speak with the Creator?