Think about the Upper Source

294.1Question: What does it mean that during Torah it is not customary to think about corrections? It would seem that this is exactly the time to think about them.

Answer: No. The Torah is the upper light, in which there is no flaw whatsoever; that is why we think only about it, about the upper light. If it affects us to some extent or entirely, then we are corrected by it.

In other words, first of all, we think about the upper source, the source of light, which is intended to fill us and correct us to the extent of our readiness.

We need to think that the upper source wants to give us reforming light, and everything depends only on our readiness to receive it. However, to receive it is not just to ask with words, but to unite, to get closer to each other, and to approach the Creator together. To that extent, we are rewarded with the light that returns to the source, and we feel that more and more qualities corresponding to the Creator’s light are manifested in us.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/24/23, Writings of Rabash “The Agenda of the Assembly“

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